004 | a pleasant evening stroll where nothing strange happens

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Jungkook shifts in his seat on the edge of the park bench, gnawing on his bottom lip as his thumb hovers over the message icon on his phone screen, Taehyung's newly-added contact details staring back at him.

The vampire had left more than just a generous tip in the front pocket of his Euphoria apron; a folded slip of paper sporting Taehyung's number had been carefully hidden amongst the won bills, signed with a row of tiny kisses and a wonky little heart that had made Jungkook feel like he was walking on air for the rest of his shift. Although that giddiness has soured a bit as the day's worn on. Bonus gift aside, normally a tip that big would put him in a good mood for the rest of the weekend, but currently his stomach's so twisted up with nervous anticipation for his upcoming date that the he's started to feel a bit nauseous.

And he may have acquired the vampire's number, but it isn't much use if he can't actually summon the courage to send that first text.

It seems like the courteous thing to do (Taehyung had given it to him specifically, after all), but can he think of something meaningful to say this close to their promised 'date'? Apparently not. Because he's an idiot.

Truthfully, his brain has felt like total mush ever since his very first encounter with Taehyung that morning (and god, that seems like so long ago now even if it's only been about thirteen hours), and being sleep-deprived on top of everything hasn't exactly helped matters. Every message he's thought up so far has sounded way too lame, but his sluggish mind seems to be incapable of thinking up a casual, friendly sort of greeting, unable to phrase it in a way that won't come across as peculiar. Maybe he's just being paranoid about the whole thing, but he can't help it... he just doesn't want Taehyung to think he's stupid, or worse, completely inexperienced at this whole dating thing (even if it's true). He needs to avoid doing anything weird or awkward that might deter the vampire's advances.

"Hey, handsome."

Jungkook startles so violently that the phone slips from his fumbling fingers, falling to land facedown on the ground with an ominous clack.

"Shit," Taehyung curses, his dark coat fanning out around him as he crouches quickly to retrieve the device, looking absolutely mortified as he examines the cracked screen. "Oh my god, Kookie, I'm so sorry, I'll buy you a new one-"

Jungkook's shock fades quickly, replaced by a pleasantly warm sort of fluttering sensation in his chest at the vampire's genuine remorse over such a tiny accident. Smiling a little, he reaches out to carefully take his phone back, noting absently that Taehyung is wearing dark gloves that cling tightly to his elegant hands, serving to elongate his fingers. It seems an unusual choice considering Vampires are usually pretty resilient to colder temperatures, and the weather's actually been pretty mild of late (spring has already begun opening pale blossom buds on the trees near his university), but maybe Taehyung's one of those people who feels the cold more than others. Moonbin's a bit like that; the cat always insists on layering up before he heads out to work or school, especially when the full moon's drawing near. Since they can't always afford to have the heating running for hours on end, Binnie's collection of thick knitted blankets has grown exponentially since they moved in together last year, taking up a full two shelves in their storage closet. Jungkook can't complain, though – there's nothing he enjoys more than hunkering down on the couch with Moonbin beneath layers of cosy blankets to watch a movie on his laptop, especially after a tiring shift or a gruelling day of classes.

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