006 | human error

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"Hyung? You don't look so good."

Jungkook tries to muster up a reassuring smile for his co-worker, but it probably doesn't look all that convincing given the way he's squinting up at the youth wincingly. It's hard not to wince when the overhead lighting seems a thousand times brighter than usual, aggravating the sharp throbbing behind his eyes.

"I'm just tired," he reassures, and in his defence it isn't technically a lie (his current migraine is definitely the result of his ongoing sleep deprivation). "I had a late night, that's all."

Sanha's pale bunny-ears twitch in concern, clearly unconvinced by Jungkook's calm dismissal.

"Why don't you stay on break a little longer?" the hybrid suggests, twisting his pale pink Euphoria apron between his hands as he regards Kookie worriedly. "I can cover your tables, Suyeon-noona won't mind."

Shaking his head (and regretting it immediately when a sharp pain lances through his left temple), Jungkook pushes himself to his feet, ignoring the wave of dizziness that hits him once he's upright.

"You've been on your feet all afternoon, you need a break more than I do," he argues fondly, reaching out to playfully ruffle the rabbit hybrid's pastel-blue hair. "I appreciate the offer, though. Hey look, I even saved you a cupcake."

He gestures towards the tray of 'rejects' Minho had brought in from the kitchen a little while ago, pointing at the much-coveted carrot cupcake that sits there amidst the misshapen cookies and cracked macaroons. The piped cream cheese frosting has been compressed on one side (probably got squashed up against the loading tray as it was being slid into the display counter at the front of the café), but it'll taste amazing just the same, and Jungkook knows that this particular flavour is Sanha's favourite. A fact which he intends to use to his advantage

As predicted, Sanha's fretful expression vanishes the moment he spies the cupcake, replaced by a beaming smile as he dives for the sweet treat.

"Ooh! Thanks, hyung!"

With the younger bunny hybrid suitably distracted from Jungkook's questionably ill health for the time being, he quietly slips out of the break room and heads back towards the front of the café, carefully schooling his expression into something a little less pained.

"Any outstanding orders?" he asks with forced cheer.

Suyeon checks her iPad screen briefly and hums. "Your cute guest from yesterday is back in booth eight – and he's brought a couple of friends. Sanha went to take their order a while ago, but apparently they needed a little more time. I have a feeling they were waiting for your break to end."

The pulse of excitement at the knowledge that Taehyung has come to see him again so soon after their date last night momentarily distracts him from the pounding in his skull, and he feels a delighted smile tugging at his lips despite his bone-deep exhaustion. Taehyung's brought friends with him, too? He knows the young vampire is supposed to have an escort when he leaves the nest, so perhaps it's one of his mates? Jungkook wonders whether Jimin has tagged along in his true form this time, since Tae hadn't let him try the chocolate cake in dog-form yesterday. Or maybe it's Yoongi come to check up on him after the near-miss incident this morning? Or Jin, with his thoroughly disarming smile and gentle warmth? Or maybe it's a nestmate that Jungkook hasn't met before?

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