Chapter 2: The Shrimp is Introduced

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Hi everyone! Before you continue on with this story, pls note that this entire story was storyboarded in September of 2021 so...pls don't talk about the inaccuracies. This was before we knew a lot about the harbingers and I'm too lazy to change the details. Pls bear with me!
Also, ty so much! This story is in the top 100 for #scaramouchexreader!

With love,


"A-all of Teyvat?" you asked, your voice quaking. The tall, redheaded harbinger nodded grimly.

"That's right. The other gods are simply waiting for the next moment to strike, and finish the job."

"What...job?" you asked hesitantly. You felt your vision hum forebodingly, as though it knew you wouldn't like the answer.

"The other gods want to use their power to keep humans under control. They want to keep them weak and stop us from giving them a chance to be strong. It's up to us to take their power before they can take our own."

You nodded, but something didn't add up. "What about visions then? Wouldn't the gods just not give out visions?"

A blue-haired harbinger spoke up next.

"That's the thing, my dear. The gods think they have humans all figured out. If you give someone ambitious a little bit of power, they'll be content. Not enough power to rival the gods themselves, but just enough to stand above the masses. It's simple psychological manipulation. Of course, there will always be people like us though. People who always want a little bit more. Those are the people Celestia wishes to strike down."

The Tsaritsa clapped her hands and smiled, and the whole room went quiet. "We're getting off track, aren't we? There will be time to explain this all later. For now, we need to give the poor thing a name."

"With all due respect my lady, I like my name well enough." A gasp echoed from the other harbingers, but the Tsaritsa just smiled. "You need a codename, silly."

The cryo archon put a finger to her lips in thought. "How about...Zasha?"

Well, you're not getting out of this one, am I? You hate that name. Welp, time to be a kiss-ass you guess. You smiled sweetly and said, "I think it's lovely, my lady."

The Tsaritsa grinned, then commanded, "All of you are going to stay so quiet? Come now, introduce yourselves."

A man with long, white hair spoke first. "I am
Pierro, the first of the Harbingers." His voice was smooth and polite, but there was an edge in the depths of it that you couldn't quite place.

An elegant woman spoke next. She could have rivaled the grace of La Signora. "I am Pulcinella, number five of the eleven."

That tall redhead spoke next. "I'm Tartaglia, but you can call me Childe!" Childe? He looks older than you and at least a few of the others. But when you looked deeper into his eyes, you could tell he had seen the fewest hardships. He had been on this earth for a much smaller time than most of the Harbingers. He must be the eleventh.

The blue-haired man introduced himself as Il Dottore, and La Signora is of course La Signora. A few more names you didn't bother to listen to were spoken, but a couple like Capitano, Pantalone, and Sandrone stuck to your brain. The last person spoke up. He was a little shorter than you, but you could tell he's been around twice as long. He gave you a look of utter contempt from underneath that giant hat of his.

"I'm Scaramouche."

That's it? Nothing else? Archons, how bland.


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