Chapter 12: Healing

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Hi everyone!!! Sorry I had several exams to study for and sports competitions to attend, but I'm fine now :> also did the new archon quest but idc about any of the lore so...if it's wrong enjoy it! It's an alternate world :D


"This is bad," Scaramouche muttered. "(Y/n) is dying, and I can't do a thing about it!"

Then the idea hit him. (Y/n) doesn't know, and it's highly unlikely that they'll wake up so... His sandals sent dirt flying up as he quickened his pace, running much faster than any human, even one with a vision. Then again, he wasn't a human was he? (Y/n) didn't need to know that and it didn't matter. He would keep his inhuman abilities a secret.

They might not accept him if they knew– Kunikuzushi shook that thought off and kept running. The sooner he gets back to the palace, the better. As much as the Balladeer hated Il Dottore, he was the only one that could save her.

Il Dottore could be said to be one of the most skilled scientist, doctor, alchemist, researcher, and living library in existence. A jack-of-all-intellectual-trades, as well as a master of each field he's dabbled in. With the extent of Zasha's wounds and the amount of time that had passed, the most logical thing was to get there as fast as possible then let the doctor do his work.

Oh what Scaramouche wouldn't give to be able to teleport! Unfortunately for him, only the gods, a few vision holders, and even fewer regular humans could ever utilize the ley lines in that way. Scaramouche eyed a glowing blue monument in the distance for a few moments. It was like his thoughts had summoned a teleport waypoint out of thin air!

He had never tried to use one since he figured it would be a waste of time if he couldn't, but since he was Ei's prototype, it might be worth a shot. Time was of the essence. But if it did work, would (y/n) transfer over with him? What if they didn't? There was little understanding of how teleport waypoints worked, and Ei had never shared that knowledge with him.

Clenching his teeth, Scaramouche looked at the figure in his arms, getting paler by the second. His arms started to tremble, not from fatigue, but from rage. At himself, at his willingness to agree with you, at Aether, at the hypostasis, at the situation itself...

"Why would you sacrifice yourself for me so many times?" Scaramouche whispered, barely audible. He didn't know if he was speaking to (y/n), or simply the wind, or both. "Why would you risk your own life for me? I...don't understand." But I do know one thing. The Harbigner realized. I wouldn't know what to do if you died!

With that, he took a step towards the teleport waypoint, and another, and one more. He took a deep breath, and reached out one hand while the other struggled to hold onto your unconscious form without dropping you. He felt a warm sensation overcome him, then he felt nothing. No! NO NO NO NO NO! What if I had lost (y/n)?! No! Don't think about that! Just have faith that they're here. Don't panic, just think. You, (y/n), Zapolyarny Palace. You, (y/n), Zapolyarny Palace... Scaramouche repeated this chant until he felt his body again, felt the weight of Zasha in his arms again. He then slowly opened his eyes, and realized he was standing at the waypoint outside of the Palace. The Balladeer let out a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding, and ran. He did that. HE DID THAT.

He burst through the Palace, ignoring the guards' stares. The Balladeer, always so graceful and composed, almost slipped on the tile floor, which was only getting slicker now that your blood had soaked through your clothes and was dripping everywhere. He ran past the Tsaritsa's throne room. Scaramouche shrugged it off, he'd give a report later. He went down one, two, flights of stairs, almost stumbling countless times. Scaramouche almost ran into La Signora, earning a "Watch it, you little rat!" Normally, he'd confront her, but today, he ignored it. The Balladeer made it. He was outside the doors of Il Dottore's science lair.

The younger and taller harbinger looked up from his work. Scaramouche internally cringed at the sadistic smile the Doctor had on. It was no wonder, it looked like he was dissecting... some sort of fish? The smell of chemicals, raw dead fish, and brine was enough to make the Balladeer hurl.

"Oh? What's this?" Dottore asked, a mischievous grin plastered all over his face. "Has Zasha croaked at last? Did they donate their body to science? What a lovely cadaver! I can't wait to see how their living conditions in ancient Sumeru affected their body!"

"Like hell!" Scaramouche shouts, appalled. "One cut and you're dead! They're not even dead yet! Just...really hurt."

"Oh Scaramouche," Il Dottore replies in a mocking tone, "I didn't realize someone as coldhearted and distant as you could possible care for another~ So they were your partner all along!"

Scaramouche had set Zasha on the table already, and he now used his free hands to put Il Dottore in a chokehold.

"Listen to me, and listen to me well..." the Balladeer whispered menacingly. The only telltale sign of Il Dottore's fear were his eyes. There was no reflection, just blind terror. "Doctor, if you spit out another word, if you hurt Zasha, if you do anything of the sort, I'll kill you," Scaramouche finished. "Don't forget you're 4 ranks below me."

The Doctor recovered quickly and pushed Scaramouche out the door with the weak excuse of "LetTiNg Me wOrK iN pEaCe."


Il Dottore was quite surprised to say the least. Zasha had several broken bones, crushed two ribs, and suffered from minimal internal bleeding. They were in a comatose state. For how long was completely unknown.Furthermore, they are also had an extreme concentration of electro energy in their body. The doctor could only pray that nothing too terrible would affect your mental state. People have been known to go braindead from enough electro shock.

Based on Scaramouche's account, it was a miracle Zasha lasted as long as they did. In fact, they should be dead by now.

"The gods were certainly smiling upon this one today," the Doctor muttered.


You slowly open my eyes. Everything is sore. Based on what you can see without moving, You're in the infirmary. Judging by how you feel, it makes perfect sense.

You notice a pressure on your hand. Your eyes slowly move down to it, noticing another's hand on top of yours. The hand is connected to an arm, which is connected to a body, and your my eyes look up, you see Kuni. His hat blocks his eyes, and he's staring out the window. You cough, and the shorty's head instantly whips around.

When your (e/c) eyes meet his indigo orbs, time stops for a second, but it just as quickly starts back up, triggered by Kuni snatching his hand away with a "tch."

You try to sit up, but the room get all spinny so you crash against your pillow. Dang it.

"How long was I out?" you asked.

"A week," he replies.

"WHAT?!" This news causes you to sit bolt upright, almost knocking over a jar on the bedside table. It was full of dandelions. Scaramouche catches it effortlessly, putting the jar back in it's rightful place.

"You idiot," he laughs quietly.

"Where did you even find dandelions?" you asked.


The real question was how did he know they were your favorite? As a little kid, you always were fascinated by the idea of dandelions moving freely wherever they wish. You sort of envied them, too. In a way, being in the Fatui is like slavery in disguise. You shudder at the thought of having to live like that again.

"Cold?" Scaramouche "frets". You can tell he's worried, even though it comes off as an indifferent question. You shook my head, and slipped out of bed, leaning against your fellow Fatui for support.

"What are you doing?" Kuni asked, disappointment apparent in his tone. He tried to push you back in bed.

"It's the middle of the night, (y/n), and it's cold," he lowered his voice when he said your name, fearful someone would hear.

"I wanna go stargazing!" you said. Kuni sweatdropped at this, but fulfilled your wish.

"Climb on," he ordered.

You got a piggyback ride, and headed out the window and onto the roof. Definitely a win-win.

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