Chapter 24: No Rest for the Weary

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"What is it?" Kuni asked cautiously.

"It's about Snezhnaya...the Fatui," Beidou started.

"What about them?" you asked quietly.

"They've...they've declared war on Mondstadt and Liyue," Beidou said.

What? You gotta be kidding. Can you PLEASE get the Fatui off of your tail? Or at least a break? Seriously, it's like you're the main character or something.

Aether and Paimon approached you.

"Okay, so it's like this. Seeing as you guys aren't a part of the Fatui anymore, would you like to help the war effort?" the blonde asked.

You glanced at Kuni, who returned your gaze. You both nodded, then turned back to Aether.

"It's not like we have anything better to do," Kuni said. You elbowed him. "Hey! What was that for, (n/n)?!"

"You're so rude, you know that? Act your age." you scolded.

"I'm literally ageless," he retorted.

You changed the subject. "Are you and Kazuha going to help, Beidou?"

The brunette glanced up at her adopted son with a small sigh.

"He doesn't need any more stress right now. Old wounds are being reopened and he has some things he needs to process."

"I see."

"Unfortunately," Beidou continued, "I don't have the luxury to provide that for him. I already informed Ningguang, the Tianquan of Liyue, that the Crux Fleet will defend both Liyue and Mondstadt. We're going to base in Guyun Stone Forest, so if you need me you can reach me there."

You nodded.

"Where are we gonna be based?" Kuni asked.

"I'm holding the main front for now in order to buy people some time," Aether spoke up, "You two need to go to a secret meeting being held at Wangshu Inn in two weeks' time."

"Good thing we've been there before," you remarked.

"You're about to be very influential," Beidou said, grinning.


Later that night, you and Kuni were in the crow's nest, like so many times before. You could hear the waves lapping against the boat as it trudged along throughout the night, being guided by the twinkling stars in the sky.

"We get to Liyue tomorrow," you said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah..." Kuni replied.

More silence. Somewhere, a lone albatross cried out in the night. Honestly, that's a mood. You're trying to avoid thinking about the daunting subject: the Tsaritsa's plans.

"Do you think...she's starting?" Kuni asked quietly. You stiffened. No, no, no, anything but that. You don't want to think about it!

"I...I don't know," you replied anyway. "But–I just–ugh! I'm so frustrated right now! I don't want anyone to die, even those in the Fatui. Why do people have to fight? Why can't the Tsaritsa accept people for who they are? Why–"

"I wish I had the answers, but I don't," Kuni said, cutting you off.

"I know you don't, but this whole thing just makes me so–so pissed, you know?"

He took your hand and squeezed it.

"I'm trying to understand, I really am," the puppet tried. "But once you've seen as much blood as I have, nothing can really surprise you."

You nod. He's not much older than you, yet he's had lifetimes more experience. Granted you were sealed away, but a part of you can't help but wonder what it would be like to have generations of knowledge, memories, and wisdom. How many places has he been? What things has he seen? But you're mortal. It would never be a reality for you.

"I need to tell you something, and you have to listen, okay?" you started.

"Uh, sure?" he replied, confused.

"In case one of us doesn't make it out of this war–"

"(Y/n)," his tone was dark, dangerous.

"Listen, I'm just saying I'm human so there's a good chance–"

"(N/n) I swear to the archons above, if you finish that sentence–" you stopped him short, going in and meeting your lips against his.

When you broke away, you gazed into those deep, indigo pools. "I love you," you whispered.

He's dumbfounded, and staring at you like you sprouted wings and might fly away at any second. Kuni pulled you into his arms, holding tight as though he's afraid you might actually soar into the sky like a bird, never to return. Despite his height, he's strong, and you felt safer than you've ever been before. You snuggled closer, burying your face in his chest.

"I will never let anything happen to you," he whispered.

That's the last you heard as you drifted off, the sound of the waves filling your ears. Right before you lost consciousness, a thought occurred. You hadn't had an attack in a long time. Is this...what healing feels like?

Bro rereading this it's such a slow burn oh my gosh—
Anyways thanks to everyone for keeping up so far :)
- Author-kun

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