Chapter 16: The Plan

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You were so stressed. Between jobs, watching yourself, and the anxiety over what was going to happen to you, it was high time you had a break. You decided to sneak out. You knew it was risky, but you haven't done it in a while. Besides, if you grabbed Scaramouche, it'd be a good break for him too. Both of you were happier out of the castle rather than in.

Around midnight, you left your window, and climbed the walls of Zapolyarny Palace until you got to Kuni's window. You tapped on it. After a few minutes, a grumbling harbinger's head popped out the window.

"What the hell (n/n)?" he whisper–shouts. You just grinned in response.

"C'mon!" you said.

"Where are we going?"

"Treasure hunting!"

"Idiot, no. We're in enough trouble as it is," the shrimp said flatly.

"Pleeeeaaaasssseeeeee?" you whined.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.


You dod a little happy dance.

"Ok, so, I heard reports of the Abyss Order intruding on Snezhnaya looking for a rare artifact," you began.

"Two birds with one stone, I suppose," Kuni mumbled.

With that, you pulled out your wind gliders and head out. The view tonight was incredible. It's crystal clear, and the moon was full and shining. You whooped to the pine tree forest below.

"Shut up!" Kuni said "Someone will hear you!"

"You're just as loud!" you shouted right back.

Eventually, Kuni points out a strange looking rock on the edge of a mountain. You're surprised he could even see it, considering it's covered in snow and scraggly trees. You glided down, and you used your claymore to break the rocks. Inside, there was a puzzle.

"Look Kuni! A cryo pillar!"

"Two!" he shouted from the other side of the small cave.

You replicated cryo energy by throwing snowballs as hard as you could at them. Believe it or not, it worked! The door opened, and you head inside.

"Ee kOkO oH oOoOOoO eEEe!" something shrieked.

It was five or six cryo abyss mages.

"Dammit!" Kuni cursed, "They beat us to it!"

"Not if I can help it!" you shout.

Kuni grinned sadistically. Your eyes sparkle right back.

The air crackled with electro energy, and you could already see the shields of the Abyss Mages cracking. One good swing from you, and they all fell to the ground. In a matter of seconds, they turned to dust.

Kuni and you high fived and continued on your way.

Activate one more mechanism and...

"It's a paper?" you both asked simultaneously.

You picked it up and began to read it, but quickly dropped it in horror. Kuni picked it up and starts reading. He looked up, shock evident.

"There are the secret plans of the Tsaritsa!" the Balladeer exclaimed.

"I only got to the part about freezing the entire world," you say. Gosh, You're going to be sick. There's nothing you can do about that right now, though, so you muster up the courage to ask, "what else does it say?"

Kunikuzushi cleared his throat before beginning, "If you are reading this, you either broke in, or are trusted with the secret not even most of the Harbingers know. The Abyss made a deal with the Tsaritsa, and mages guard this secret with their very lives. Her majesty vows to create a world covered in ice and snow, where cryo is the only vision that can be attained. Those who follow the other archons will persh, those with a vision other than cryo will perish, those who are not human will perish, and those who defy the Tsaritsa will indeed perish."

"It's genocide..." you whispered. "And for no apparent reason, either."

You're quiet for a few minutes, then you stand up straight, newfound determination in your eyes. "I'm leaving the Fatui," you announce.

Kuni goes ballistic. "You can't be serious?! Leave the Fatui?" he practically shouted "You have no where else to go!"

"Well I'm not going to continue to serve my murderer! I'll die because I have an electro vision! You have an electro vision too, and you're NOT thinking about leaving?!" you shot back.

"If you stick with the Tsaritsa, I'm sure we'll be safe–"

"Ha, safe? You think we'll be safe? The Tsaritsa wants us dead! You see what she plans to do, Kunikuzushi? No one will be safe! Millions of lives will be lost!" you interrupted.

"Why should we care? It's not like we know them personally," Kuni said. "Besides, this is the only place that I know at this point."

"Then find a new place. Come with me. I don't want to be alone when I head out there," you said.

"..." Kuni was hesitant. He didn't meet your gaze.

"If I'm your friend, you'll at least look at me, Kuni.

He doesn't move. He doesn't speak.

"Do you...really have nothing to say? Do you not even care enough to say goodbye?" you ask coldly

"No, I don't care enough to say goodbye," Kunikuzushi whispered.

"...I see," you replied. You turn towards the entrance of the cave, ready to begin your long journey. Alone

"(n/n)?" Kunikuzushi called. You stopped, but you didn't turn around. "(n/n)," Kuni repeated, "I don't care enough to say goodbye because I'm going with you."

You turned around and grinned. The first beams of life were peeking over the horizon. You could feel a new life, a new day, just calling on the wind. You felt the cold sting on your face and took a deep breath in. You could almost smell the distant scent of Mondstadt, the smell of freedom. Maybe the anemo Archon was watching you break free from your shackles with approval.

You imagined a regal figure with bright, white wings smiling from the sky above, wishing you luck. The image of such a carefree, genuinely loving god, expecting nothing from his people filled you with joy. The exact opposite of the Tsaritsa. You prayed that thought went straight to her.

"Where do you wanna go?" he asked.

"Let's find Aether."

"Alright, let's head to Liyue, I guess," Kuni announced.

He walked towards you and you high-five. Then you were on your way, towards the south, towards the sea, towards the land of geo.

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