Chapter 18: Arrival

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You stepped off of Beidou's ship and said your farewells.

"I sincerely hope we can meet again," Kazuha smiled. "You are quite the incredible partner to cook with!"

"I know we'll see each other again soon," you grinned.

You, Kuni, Aether, and Paimon walked off the docks and into Ritou, where you were greeted by someone who clearly looked to be from Mondstast. Weird...

"Hello, I'm Thoma! I haven't seen any of you before. Are you new?" he asked in a friendly manner. All of you (excpet Paimon) exchanged glances. You knew he was suspicious.

"Yes!" Paimon blurted out. "That's (y/n), that's Kunikuzushi, and that's Aether! And Paimon's Paimon!"

"Aether? As in the famous traveler?" Thoma asked.

"Y–yeah, actually," the "famous traveler" replied.

"C'mon, I'll help you get your passports!" Thoma cheered.

"Suspicious," you muttered to Kuni. He nodded in agreement.


Apparently while you and Kuni were off looking around Ritou (and stopping for a bit to let the shrimp cuss out a certain statue of the seven), the traveler solved a whole crisis. It was discussed over dinner in dramatic detail.

"Yeah!" screamed Paimon. "We followed this guy FOREVER and he led us straight to the budget that he had buried it was CRAZY!"

Aether smirked. "Well, it was no big deal, but it was certainly fun to see that jerk cowering in fear. Imagine taxing people in crystal marrow! The nerve!" he exclaimed, shaking his head and taking a sip of lavender melon milk.

You finished another bite of your Katsu sandwich before asking, "is being a hero something you actively seek out, or does it just come looking for you? Because you're pretty much a natural by now."

Aether just laughed. "To be honest, trouble does have a way of looking for me."

Kuni rolled his eyes and waved his stick of grilled unagi around. "We could be off of Ritou by now, but noooo. Traveler here needs to help people." you elbowed him with a huff. "Y'know Kuni, some people like helping. I know you like it too, you just put on this tOuGh GuY act."

"I–I do not!" he replied, indignant.

"All, flustered, are we?" you teased.


Thoma approached you, walking towards the bench you were sitting on.

"Hello you guys! I was hoping to see you again."

"Hello, Thoma!" Paimon waved.

"Come, take a walk with me, I want to show you this great view," he hinted. You got up and followed him. Thoma took you to the outskirts of Ritou.

"Listen, you guys, I serve the Kamisato Clan, and my Lady Kamisato Ayaka, the Shirasagi Himigimi, thinks you can help turn the tide of the war. The war against the vision hunt decree."

"Vision Hunt Decree?" Kuni questioned.

"Yes! The Raiden Shogun has issued for every vision in Inazuma to be taken! She wants to leave everyone visionless in the name of eternity."

"But that's crazy!" you exclaimed. "Visions represent the hopes and dreams, the determinations and ambitions, of the people who carry them!"

"I know," Thoma said as he shook his head and gestures to his own vision. "Inazuma has fallen into a dark age. But that's why we need your help!"

"Yeah, about that..." the Traveler started. We all stopped and listened. "I'm only here to talk to the electro archon."

Thoma got on his hands and knees. "Please, mighty Aether, we need you! I'll arrange a meeting with the electro archon if you help us!"

"...fine" Aether answered.

"Great! Meet me at Komore Teahouse on Narukami Isaland!"

With that, he was gone.

"What...just happened?" you asked Kuni.

"I think all Inazumans need less Naku Weed." he replied.

"'re Inazuman."


That night, you made your escape. To be honest, it was actually really easy. Now that all of you (except Paimon) were equipped with an electo element, you simply walked around the shoreline until you found a dead electrogranum bush.

"Poor thing," Kuni muttered, rubbing his finger against the dry petals. "It's so isolated from the rest of Inazuma that it doesn't have enough electro energy to stay alive."

"Well let's help it!" you said as you cracked your fingers. This was gonna be fun.

You stood in a circle around the plant, slowly feeding it zaps of energy. You didn't want it to be bright enough to alert any of the military. After what seemed like hours of taking turns, the electrogranum bush slowly lit up back to life.

"Quickly, touch it all at once!" Kuni hissed urgently.
You did, and a flower floated to your sides. Just as that happened, a beam of electro energy lit it's way from your heart to Narukami Island.

"Now just will yourself to become one with the energy," Kuni instructed. Aether nodded, then he was gone.

"I don't know if I can do it," you whispered.

Kuni grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You got this, (n/n)."

You smiled, but you don't know if he saw it in the dark. You closed my eyes. One with the energy, one with the energy. Next thing you felt was a tingly sensation and you were flying through the air, rapidly heading towards the main island. You turned back into my original self.

"Land! Land!" you said, maybe a little too loud, as you rolled on the sand.

Kuni appeared right then, and you could tell he was a little disappointed.

"(N/n), you have sand all in your hair."

"Ehe~" you laughed nervously.

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