Chapter 32: ...Are Fickle Indeed

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You slowly opened your eyes. Everything felt sore, and you could barely move. You were laying in a plush bed and didn't even have the strength to get up. Your migraine was throbbing.

There was someone in the corner of the room. You could sense them shift.

"Are you awake?" they asked.

A man's voice. You decided to be polite and fight through the pain, so you slowly sat up. You faltered once, stars invading your vision, but you managed.

"Who are you?" you asked hoarsely.

The man acted surprised. "You don't know who I am?"

"Come to think of it..." the realization dawned on you, and you felt panic rising in your chest. "I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!"

The man rushd over to you, his blood red eyes full of concern.

"The injury was worse than I thought," he said, a hand on your shoulder.

"Woah woah woah, what injury? Can you back it up a bit? Do you know who I am? Where am I? What happened?"

The blue haired man pushed you back into bed. "Calm down, your blood pressure is going to get dangerously high with all that stress so soon. Let me explain."

You nodded, relaxing a little.

"Your name is Zasha, and you are an elite warrior fighting for her majesty, the Tsaritsa. I am Il Dottore, your best friend."

You nodded. Is that who you were? You lead a good life. Go you.

"And I," a blonde woman walked in, full of grace. "I am La Singora, and we are blood siblings, Zasha. I was so worried for you!"

She came over and hugged you, tears streaming down her face.

"I found you in the battlefield of Mondstadt, half dead! A traitor among our ranks was standing above you, covered in blood. Your blood! His name is Kunikuzushi, previosuly known as Scaramouche."

Signora began to cry. "Oh my goodness! How could someone betray us, let alone try to kill someone as good as you!"

You looked at your two friends. They had been through so much. You wiped the tears from both of their faces.

"I promise you," you began, "I will kill this Kunikuzushi. I might not remember a thing, but I won't stand for someone to hurt my friends like this."

"The Tsaritsa is calling you to the front line of Liyue as soon as you recover," Dottore said. "You, Zasha, one of our greatest, has an army to command."


Dottore walked into the Tsaritsa's throne room, stiff. How could Signora send him to do this report all by himself? That bitch.

"Well?" a sickly–sweet female voice called.

That snapped Dottore out of his head. He got down on one knee and replied, "It worked, your highness. Zasha does not suspect a thing, and all Fatui know to keep them in the dark. There was even an unexpcted side effect that could work to our benefit."

The Tsaritsa motioned for Dottore to step forward, and while he did so she reached out to touch his chin, lifting his face to match her gaze.

"And what might that be, Doctor?"

"She has already vowed to kill Kunikuzushi."

The Tsaritsa smiled, stroking Dottore's hair like he was her pet, reminding him that if all goes wrong, she can do whatever she like as punishment.

"This is excellent work, Dottore. I'm quite pleased with how well your revival technology has come along."

"Yes, my queen. Zasha's body was close to being too old, but we made it just in time. As long as it doesn't have a chance to decompose too much, it is possible to perhaps revive someone whenever. We could freeze soldiers for later, even."

The Tsaritsa's eyes brighten as she puts her hands in her lap.

"Excellent work, Dottore, you are quite dependable. But one last thing, are you sure that memory–blocking spell is strong enough?"

"I believe so. Signora has been mastering it since her Academia days, and then combining it with my research on the brain, there are truly no holes in this net the two of us have weaved."

"Excellent, my dear, I look forward to the results of this little experiment. Just know what will happen if things get too out of hand."

"Yes, my lady."

Ooo snap guys...y/n is back in their villain arc

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