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The diner was quieter than usual, considering there should have been the afternoon rush.

As always, Diane and webs, were at their favorite window booth, having one of their usual meals and the service was quick.

Maybe even quicker than usual. They were just finishing up their their usual piece of pie with coffee.

while debating an ever-important topic of conversation that came around exactly once each year: web's birthday.

"I don't know Diane," webs says.

"Oh come on."

They were discussing how to celebrate her birthday.

"I just don't think it's a good idea

The small tarantula was staring at her friend sitting across the table, while fiddling with her fork.

"Hey it's your birthday, we should go out and celebrate that's why we should go out and party, you know go to one of those clubs for once"

Honestly What she wanted was to have a nice small party with the gang and get back to her least favorite subject: their next Bad Guy heist. She doesn't loved as much as stealing stuff as much as her friend does but she loves doing it with her.

"Yeah I'm not so sure we'll be welcomed kindly there"

They looked around to see customers who were cowering in a corner; hoping not to be noticed, because they were afraid of them.

Then when a waiter came by nervously to their table to give them the check.

Webs hissed at him, she shot her fangs out, he screams, "AH" dropping the check on their table and running back to the kitchen along with the other terrified waiters and waitresses.

"Alright alright fine fine Consider it dropped," Wolf said, holding up his hands in

"Webs and Diane laughed"Sorry, everyone ," Diane called out to the other restaurant patrons, trying to make nice. They were criminals, the Bad Guys, but that didn't mean they had to be bad guys. "She's always like this on her third cup of coffee."

Then webs took a sip as Diane looks down at the check, then she looks up at webs.

"You want me to get the bill...again, don't ya" she reaches out to her wallet and takes out out a few bills and slipped them onto the check.

"Well it is my birthday after all"

they pushed their plates and coffee cups away, and got out of the booth.

"Oh you always pull that one up, playing the birthday card," Diane said, chuckling. "That's really interesting." Diane laughed.

She flashed a charismatic smile out into the restaurant where no one smiling back.

In fact, there was no one sitting at any of the other tables, and none of the waitstaff were in the restaurant. It was like a ghost town.

"Let's bounce."


Across the street was a criminal's favorite view: the "Big Bank."

But it wasn't "The Bad Guys' Next

If there was one thing that could make web's birthday even better, it was the prospect of stealing stuff.

But Diane didn't want to talk about that--her mind was stuck on one thing, and one thing only.

"But yeah, we be spotted for sur

"Still it would be nice to do something on your birthday, that's why we should go clubbing, it'll be really fun"

"Why clubs"

"What it's the new things for celebrating birthdays"

Web's groaned in annoyance as she crawls on Diane's arm and sat on her shoulder.

"Yeah something tells me, the cops will be waiting for us and have the place surrounded, I mean we're not exactly the popular people in Los Angeles, more like the most wanted"

They passed by a group that was scrambled to hide deeper in the shadows, shaking with fear.

"You know the one good thing about this place" webs asked as they stood up and started to head for the door.

"What's that?"

"We never have to wait for a table."

"Isn't that every place?" Diane reminded her.

"That's what makes it so great"

Then she whooped as they passed the front register.

"Oh Mints!" She swallowed one and crawls back onto Diane.

to the door and pushed it open, exiting into the busy afternoon.

"Alright," he called over his shoulder.

"Let's do this." They both said as the two exited the dinner.

That's what friendship was all about, doing stupid things for them.

"Still it's your birthday, let's make the best of it" Diane says.

"Look all I want to do on my birthday is to celebrate at home and stay on my laptop"

"Oh no, not this time, that's what you did last, no but this year, we're doing something different"

"You know I'm not a outgoing man person like you"

"Come on webs, live a little"

She smiled her most charming smile, but it wasn't enough to crack through web's teenage annoyance expression.

Diane and webs knew each other for a very long time since they were teens.

Diane was the enthusiastic person the kind that  lives for adventure, but webs was the one that is afraid of trying new things, she likes to keep things the same cause that's how she likes it.

Nothing could changed that....

Could it?

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now