The Bad guys downfall

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The Bad guys were being loaded into a militiry grade police boat.

This boat would deliver them to the highest security prison for thousands of miles- far off shore, on a prison island

Meamwhile, the Bad Guys were wishing they were back home, surrounded by all their treasures, right about now But thanks to a double-erossing guinea pig, they were on
theit way to the most high-security prison on Earth instead of riding off into the sunset scot-free with the Golden Dolphin and taking a vacation to the Bahamas.

"I can't believe we got double-erossed by a tiny rodent." Shark moaned.

"Oh, we got double-crossed by a rodent, all right." Webs grumbled. Then she glanced in Diane's direction. "But i don't think it was a
tiny one."

The other Bad Guys gasped when they realized what Webs was saying that Diane had set them up, and all this was her fault.

Webs was blaming Diane for getting them all
caught and she knows why.

"This was supposed to be us conning Marmalade," webs said "It turns out it was Diane conning us! Does that sound
familiar to you, Diane?"

"What'" Diane barked. "Why would you think that?"

Webs crawled beneath her. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because you just sabotaged the biggest heist of our lives! I think you owe us an explanation, Diane"

Guards began unloading them into the processing room.

"Okay, okay," Diane said as they all got fingerprinted.

"You got me, so This is what happened: Back at the museum, I tried to steal an old lady's purse. Classic snatch and grab,"

"Tried to?" Webs said, pressing her fifth set of fingers to the pad before moving on to hands six, seven, and eight.

"Since when do you try to steal something and not just steal it?"

"I was trying to steal the purse when the old lady fell," Diane explained as they watched the cops send a few guys through a pat down to check for weapons.

"And so I just helped her out a little bit."

"What?" Snake called out from where he was posing for a mug shot.

"What was that?" Webs asked.

"I kind of. helped her," Diane said.

She took Snake's place and now was grinning for the police booking camera.

Piranha scooted through a metal detector. "But then you stole the purse?" he asked nervously.

Diane took a deep breath as she stepped forward to take her turn getting searched.

"No, I saved the old lady, and she hugged me, and my tail wagged. I didn't know what it was, but it felt....So good!"

All four of the other Bad Guys stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at their fearless leader.

"Ah," Piranha said, finally breaking the silence.

"But then you stole the purse?"

The others all stared daggers at him, wondering how it was possible that Piranha still didn't get it.

"NO'" they all screamed

Then webs glared at Diane.

"You know I heard what the pig said to you last
night, about cutting us loose.

"Wait Like, us us?" Shark blurted.

"Pig said what?" Piranha asked.
"He didn't!" Snake gasped. "That is not okay."

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now