True colors

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"Hey!" Diane cried, struggling as she was dragged by the car into a police transport. All her friends were in the same boat.

each of them getting pulled and shoved into the back of the armored vehicle. "You're making a mistake! We didn't do it! I know we always say that, but this time it's actually true!"

The police chief just rolled her eyes at him. "Oh now you are done forever, fox!" She slammed the door on her, sealing Diane and his friends into the back of the van.

"Talk to Marmalade!" Diane screamed out, hoping she could be heard through the door. "We're really good now!


Outside the van, Tiffany Fluffit was reporting on the scene.

"Tonight's headline," she said somberly,
"is that change is impossible, you should always judge a book by its cover, and all stereotypes have been affirmed."

"Stop!" Marmalade screeched. "For goodness sake!" He pupped out of the throngs of people who'd been blocking his was: "Let me speak to them," he said, breathless. "I'm sure there's been some misunderstanding."

Reluctantly, the chief of police swung open the door to the police transport.

Diane breathed a sigh of relief, "Ah! Professor Marmalade!"

"You've got five minutes" the chief warned them.

"No deals this time!" She slammed the door shut again, sealing Marmalade inside the police van with the Bad Guys.

"You have to help us," Diane pleaded. "Tell 'em we didn't do it"

"There, there," Marmalade cooed. "Of course you didn't do it... how could you? After all," he said, patting Diane on the hand. "You're such a good girl"

Diane flinched. She'd heard those words before... but where? Staring at Marmalade, it suddenly hit her: It was at the Good Samaritan Awards, when she'd bumped into the old
lady and saved her from falling. She'd called her a good girl, in the exact same tone of voice! That's when he remembered something else Marmalade had said, earlier that very night:
All eyes will be on you tonight. Not me. Right then, Diane realized something, she turned to Professor Marmalade, her eyes wide.

"You. it was all you."

"What are you talking about, Diane?" Webs asked.

"The old lady, the Golden Dolphin, 'good' training, " Diane explained to the others.

"It was all to get us HERE... so Marmalade himself could steal the meteorite and let us take the fall"

"Whoa. What old lady?" Webs asked. "And why would a guinea pig want a meteorite any way?"

Marmalade began to laugh maniacally: "Hehehehehehe!"

"Guys," Shark said nervously. "He's creeping me out."

Piranha, who was hanging by chains on the back wall of the van, had accidentally spun around so he couldn't see anything that was happening in the van anymore.

"What is going on? Someone turn me around!"

"Well, well," Marmalade said, his face covered in an evil grin.

"You finally get it."

"Wait," Shark said, slowly piecing things together.

"So. you stole the meteorite?!"

"Oh, it's not just a meteorite," Marmalade told her.

Piranha looked excited. "I told you guys it's a BUTT!"

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now