A fox, a bunny and a wolf

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The next day; Governor wolf was in front of the Bad Guys, inside Marmalade's mansion.

he held up a newspaper with a frozen image of the Bad Guys splashed across the cover. The headline read: "BAD GUYS TERRORIZE ADORABLE RODENTS? he glared at the crew, who were all look sheepish.

"Trespassing! Burglary! Mayhem! Assault with a deadly reptile!

Jade was babbling what wolf was saying when he was hoping around Diane, trying to reach out to her.

While wolf ticked off their crimes as he scolded them for the previous evening's events.

"As if those poor rodents haven't been through enough already!"

"Wolf please-" professor marmalade tries to explain but wolf interrupts.

" no...no, that is it" he drops the newspaper and walks away. "I'm calling the chief this experiment is over." he marched out of the room.

Marmalade trailed after him, begging, "Experiments take time"

"I'm sorry, Professor but I have to think what's best for the city" wolf says.

everyone looks at snake and glares.

"You couldn't help yourself," Diane looks at Snake annoyed as soon as they'd left.

"So I had a moment of weakness," Snake argued. "Sue me!"

"That's going to be difficult to do from prison!" Diane shout.

"Uh oh" jade babbles as he giggles.

"Uh oh is right" Diane says as she agrees with princess.

"Guys" Webs sighed. "What do we do now?"

Diane said, "It's time to launch a charm offensive," she put on his biggest smile.

"Oh yeah," Shark said, nodding, "The full Clouney."

Diane chased after Marmalade and wolf, who were now chatting in the atrium, jade peeks his head out, watches Diane run, he tilts his head as he hops up ahead.

"Mommy" he whispered as he hops out, following him,

"Mister Governor," she said, her voice smooth and flirty, "wolf!"

Wolf lifted an eyebrow. "Do not try to charm me, Diane.?"

Diane wasn't deterred. "Oh, I see what's going on. You think I'm still a Bad Guy! Just trying to wiggle our way to freedom. But we've changed. That flower of goodness? It's blossoming all over the place."

Wolf glared at her, exasperated. "Don't you ever get tired of lying?" he sighed.

"No," Diane said quickly. Then, "I mean- buts, that's a trick question, right?"

"I gave you and your no good troublesome friends an opportunity!" Wolf blurted out.

"A chance to show the world that you're more than just a scary stereotype. But you're too proud, or too gutless, to take advantage of it!"

Diane cringed. "Gutless? I'm gutless?" She chuckles sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, have we met? I'm the villain of every story! Guilty until proven innocent. Even if, by some miracle, we did change—who's gonna believe us? Huh, Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that, your the governor, everyone looks up to you, everyone trust you because your not a scary stereotype"

Wolf spat back. "Is that so?" he pulled out the diamond ring Diane stole from him during the museum heist.

Diane patted her pocket, where she'd been sure the ring was still nestled, safe and sound. "Wait a second.. what?"

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now