The final battle

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Inside Marmalade's helicopter, the professor was now screaming at webs.

"They stole my stolen money!" he wailed. Why
did I bring you on as a partner if you can't even anticipate their next more?!"

"Oh," webs yelled, "so all this is my fault?"

"You're probably just jealous because my heist was better than your heist!" Marmalade snapped at webs.

"You mean, the heist where you lost the money and the meteorite?" Webs lifted an eyebrow.

"I'm starting to see why your friend dumped you," Marmalade snarled.

"I don't have any friends!" Webs shouted.

Just then, she heard a voice calling her name from somewhere nearby.

"Webs! Webs!" Webs swiveled her head around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

Then, down below the helicopter, she spotted Diane ~-hanging out of the Bad Guy mobile on the freeway below them--calling up
to her.

Web's eyes widened. "Diane?"

Marmalade looked down from the chopper and noticed the metcorite, still strapped into the back of the Bad Guy mobile. "My meteorite!" he whooped.

Diane shouted up, "webs! Webs, come back!"

"We need you, baby!" Shark added.

"And we know you need us" piranha added.

Before she could reply, Marmalade laughed.

"Oh, there you go again. Making it personal! Now I'll you one last chance to give me back my meteorite!"

"Oh yeah?" Piranha growled.

"Whatcha gonna do, Whiskers?"

Marmalade angrily snatched the mind-control helmet.

"This!" Marmalade concentrated. Using the
power of the meteorite, Marmalade made the ground rumble.

Suddenly, a wave of guinea pigs-all obviously under control of the meteorite--burrowed out of the earth all around the Bad Guys' car.

They poured onto the highway, flooding
the roadways.

"We've got adorable company!" Shark said.

Marmalade snapped his fingers, and the horde suddenly transformed into giant tentacles.

The tentacles slammed down on the freeway
as the Bad Guy mobile swerved to try to avoid being crushed.

It was like they were in a giant, life-size version of a whack-a-mole game.

"Maybe I shouldn't have called him 'Whiskers," Piranha said.

Diane mused, "I gotta say, when I woke up this morning, this is not where I saw my day going."

Diane continued to steer the car clear of each tentacle slap.

Soon, a tower of guinea pigs approached, also trying to crash down on them--but Diane managed to steer the car to the side.

Diane watched as Marmalade continued his attack on the Bad Guys.

"Whoa," webs said. "Let's dial this down a notch! Besides, you'll never get her. He's too good a driver."

"Hmm," Marmalade grunted. "Now that I think of it, maybe it would be better to exploit his greatest weakness."

He picks up jade, hovering him up above the ground, threatening to drip him.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now