Tiny terror

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So it was settled the bay guys were going to good but first they headed back to their secret lair to get jade .

But when they got to their secret hideout, they saw inside that saw with horror on their faces that their place was mess.

Everyone gasped as their saw that someone or something wrecked their home.

The stolen goods were scattered everywhere, the fridge was been raided and shark's disguises were on the floor.

"MY DISGUISES" shark screamed.

"What happened to our hideout" snake snapped

Then when the bad guys entered inside, Diane looked around and realized something.

"Wait a second, guys where's jade" Diane asked.

Then all of a sudden they heard glass breaking from the kitchen, they ran to see jade knocked down a jar of cookies.

"Ah" everyone screamed when they see him giggling and bouncing on top of the fridge.

Diane and webs gasped then looked at each other.

"How did he get up there" webs asked.

"I don't know" Diane says.

"He's a rabbit, he hops" snake said

"Hey get down of there" shark yelled as he and the others ran close to the fridge, holding their hands out to him for in case jade slips and falls.

She was jumping way to close to the edge, then he bounced from the table to the living room, Diane and shark almost had him.

"After him" shake yelled when he was hoping on the couch.

"I told you it was a bad idea leaving him here alone" piranha shouts.

"Just grab him" Diane says when she and shark tries to grab him but he was bouncing way too high.

Then he bounced away from them, piranha and drake tries to grab him but they ended up bonding their heads together.


"Ow" they both winced in pain as they grabbed their heads.

"Huh" shark looks to see jade landing at his hands, "got ya" then jade scammers around him.

"Hey what do you think your doing, stop that, ugh hold still you little hopper, hey hey"

Then he jumps off of shark Then he bounced on piranha's chest then jumped on the floor.

"Ohf" piranha fell back on the floor, Then he hops on the table, Diane and shark surrounded him to keep him from getting away but then snake

Then webs tries to grab him but he bounces towards her then jumps on her computer and other stuff, causing them to scatter on the floor.

"Hey that is not a toy" web shouts.

Then as snake tries to grab him, he bounced on his head.

"OW" he runs his head.

Then jade starts bouncing at a very high speed, Which causes more mayhem, he bounces on the walls, on counters and into their stolen items, he breaks things, bushes them on the floor and cause the bad guys to fall and bumps into each other till Diane has finally had enough.

"WEEE"he jumps so high till he was about to land on something hard, till Diane caught him.

"Wee again again" he clapped.

Diane just looks at him annoyed, then suddenly snake slithers up to him and was about to eat him when.

"SNAKE" everyone stopped him and Diane pulls him back and away.

"Don't eat him, need him alive for the money" Diane howled.

"Oh come on, I'm hungry and besides he was getting on my nerves" snaked grumbles then he mumbles.

"Come on, let's clean up" Diane says

Then everyone goes to clean up the mess jade made, while Diane hold the baby bunny by the back of his neck.

"And you mister, you are is so much trouble young man " she growled but jade just smiles and reaches out to her.

She walks to the couch, "just look at the mess you made"

Then he starts babbling baby talk like he was trying to talk to her then he says this: "mommy" she remembered when he called her this.

At first she didn't really care or mind but the way he reached out to her, the second time he calls her that, she starts to feel something...something she never felt before but she couldn't quiet put her claw on it.

So she shakes it off and grabs a crate puts him down and puts the big crate over him to keep him from escaping or caused anymore trouble.

"Huh, Uh oh" he giggles.

"That's right uh oh your in a lot of trouble, you made a mess" she snarled.

"So your going to stay right in there, be quiet and while you sit in there and behave the rest of us are going to clean up"

She picks up the mess he left near the couch, as she does she noticed how jade was staring at her, giving her these big cute puppy eyes, he opened his eyes really wide, staring at her with those cute big pink eyes that spark like diamonds when reflected by light, she tries her best to ignore him but....

"What are you looking at"

But those eyes, those eyes, she felt them reaching in her soul, they weee getting to her, she couldn't stop staring at them.

Then he reaching out to her, he sticks his tiny paw though one of the small holes.

"Oh no your brought this upon yourself" then she hears him still laughing and still sees his adorable irresistible eyes.

"Oh oh don't think I'm going to let you out with those cute flash eyes, and don't think because your helplessly adorable I'm going to let you out, and I don't care how big your eyes get, your not coming out" she shouts that might get him to stop but instead all she saw was him still smiling at her then she stops and smiles at him.

Then shakes off the feeling, "what am i doing, no focus Diane, don't let the cute innocent adoring baby bunny get to you, think of the money, think if the money"  she sighs as she tries to ignore him but then.

She then looks down to see that  he was grabbing her leg.

"Well I'll give you one this fluff, your braver then you look, you tiny terrorist"

She then gets up as soon as the bad guys finish cleaning.

"Well come on we better get ready for professor marmalade" Diane says.

And this time they were bringing jade to prevent anymore destruction to the place.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now