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Back at Marmalade's evil compound, very bad things were afoot.

While Marmalade Watched on, his servant Cuddles used a small crane to lower the metcorite into a large device that looked like a battery compartment.

As soon as it was in place, Marmalade powered up the device, and the meteorite began to emit a toxic pink glow.

Nothing says evil like a toxic pink glow.

Marmalade chuckled, Now, this is what a true bad guy looks like," he said to jade who was in a crib like cage, strapping on a strange helmet.

He flipped a switch on the helmet, and the helmet lit up--using the power of the meteorite.

"What do you say we have some fun" he
said, cackling.


In front of Marmalade, there was a giant cage holding an innocent guinea pig.

Marmalade focused intently, and in a
matter of seconds his brain waves hegan to emit from the helmet.

The guinea pig's eyes began to turn red, this scares jade, Marmalade raised his arms, and the guinea pig stood up.

Marmalade beamed. His mind-control helmet was working, He cranked up the power, and a few minutes later, he was deToss the
dry, using the power of the meteorite: Under their evil leaders wind control power, they formed into gtoups, which merged into bigger groups, until there were full armies marching
through the city.

On Marmalade's command, they began to
dive into manholes, crawl through sewer lines, and infiltrate the whole of Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, across town, Snake, Webs, Shark, and Piranha returned to their lair, only to find that the place had been completely emptied in their absence.

Wolf had cleared the place out, removing every single stolen item they'd worked so hard to
aquire over the past few years.

"All our stuff!" Piranha wailed.

"Wha-_" Snake said, not getting it at first.

"Where is everything? It's ALL gone!"

Shark raced to open a closet door on the far side of the room, horrified to find it empty.

"My disguise closet.!"

"Where's my things?" Tarantula said, her breath coming quicker and quicker with each look around the room.

"Ugh, Diane gave away all our loot?!" Webs asked.

She couldn't believe their friend would turn on them like this.

She'd gone all out to ruin them.

"Years of work! We stole that stuff, fair
and square!" Snake hissed

Piranha suddenly lost it and went totally nuts. "Now I understand what it feels like to have things stolen from you! I.Don't. Like. It!"

Snake wandered over to him pal, trying to comfort him.

At first, Piranha was surprised by the unexpected gesture--but after a second, he realized he kind of liked the feeling of some-
one taking care of him.

Frustrated and exhausted, Snake wandered over to the fridge.

The only thing still left in their secret lair were
the photo memories pinned to the outside of the fridge with magnets.

He angrily pulled open the fridge to see if there
was anything left inside--and found one last, lonely push pop.

He eyed it, deciding that the only thing that might cool the sting of his friend's betrayal was a nice, cold push pop. But before he could pop it in his mouth, Shark wailed from across the room.

"We have no food! No money we can use to
buy food! No food we can sell for money!"
Without a second thought, Snake handed Shark the final push pop to try to console him.

"Alright, okay," Snake said hastily.

"Here, here. Take this. Now stop crying,

Shark grabbed the pop and began to slurp it happily, until he suddenly realized what had just happened.

Both Shark and Tarantula stared at Snake, totally dumbfounded.

"Uh..." Webs said slowly. "Snake? What did you just do?"

"What?" Snake snapped. "My friend was sad, so I cheered him up

"You-Shark said, still sobbing a few leftover tears.

"you did a good thing. For me?"

Snake froze. "Don't be ridiculous," he spat out.

"I just put your needs before my own."

Webs nodded. "Yeah, you're being good."

"I'm not!" Snake insisted. "I was simply making a sacrifice so Shark could be happy."

Tarantula held up one hand. "That is the actual definition of being good."

Then suddenly snake made a realization, "maybe diane was right," snake said.

"Maybe we could be more than just scary villains?"

"What oh no" webs spit as she crawls off shark.

But Just then, she noticed her own tummy, Shark's fin, Piranha's mohawk, and snake's own tail wiggling from side to side.

"Oh, wow. Is this wagging? We're... we're WAGGING!" Shark said.

"I'm feeling," Piranha said joyfully.

"tingly all over! I got a tingle!" Shark jumped in joy.

"It actually feels...kinda nice" Snake said.

Then websglanced at his own tummy. "No! NO! Stop it! We will always be BAD GUYS!" She slammed the fridge door shut, and all the Bad Guys' family photos fell to the floor.

Webs immediately turned on his tummy, like a dog chasing its own tail, and then she stormed out.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now