Operation: Guinea pig heist

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Back in Marmalade's lair, the professor's plan was going exactly as it should, While armored cash trucks shot across the city to Marmalade's very own charity destinations, his army
of mind-controlled guinea pigs were in hot pursuit.

"Faster. faster, my little pigs!"

Marmalade cooed from inside his mind-
control helmet.

He laughed as he watched his little army on-screen.

As they overtook the trucks, the cash-mobiles were each turned around and rerouted to their new destination, Marmalade's compound!
Soon, all of that money would be his, and his alone!

But little did he know, Wolf and Diane were heading there now--and they had a plan of their own to stop him.

As Wolf and Diane sped to Marmalade's compound, wolf double-checked that he and Diane were on the same page with their

"Okay, once we steal the meteorite, we take it straight to the police-"

"And all will be forgiven," Diane added.

Wolf shot her a look. "I don't know about 'all.' But it's a start"

As soon as they arrived at the compound, Diane and Wolf got to work trying to sneak into the meteorite room through an opening in the ceiling Just as they made it in and were
about to grab the meteorite, a thought cane to Diane's mind.

"But wait?"

"What's going to happen to jade" she asked as she was more concerned about him.

"Oh well once we try to get marmalade arrested, I'll be sure jade is sent to an orphanage where he can be adopted to a family"

But Diane was upset, "what? But jade needs a family, he is dad is gone"

"I know but I don't think anyone trusts you to be his guardian"

But as they argued, Diane noticed the Golden
Dolphin Sitting on a pedestal nearby. "That's strange," Wolf mused.

"Why would Marmalade just leave the Golden
Dolphin here, unprotected?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a trap.. " wolf suggested.

"Yeah, Or maybe" Diane said, then reached out and grabbed the Golden Dolphin.

But when she wrapped her hands around
it, an alarm went off, "Yeah," Diane muttered.

"It was a trap."

He and Diane were jolted with a blast of electric current, and everything went black

A few minutes later, Wolf and his partner hung upside down by their feet, while Marmalade paced back and forth in front of them.

He'd donned a gold-spandex jumpsuit, along
with his mind-control helmet, and looked very much the part of evil villain.

"Well, well" he said, drumming his tiny fingers together. "If it isn't my prized pupil. And you've brought along the governor! Or should I say, the gray Paw:"

He flipped wolf's diamond ring up into the air, then caught it in his paw.

"I have to commend you: what an ingenions way to disguise the Zompango Diamond.

"Hiding it in plain sight."

He flicked the diamond out of wolf's ring, and it sparkled just like the legendary diamond did--before it was stolen.

"No way!" Diane gasped, impressed but also a little embarrassed she hadn't recognized the diamond himself.

"I'm sentimental like that." Wolf shrugged.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now