Heist gone wrong

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The cake was now replaced with blueprints of the Thumpermen manor.

"Ok guys" Diane drops a picture of Harry Thumpermen. "Harry Thumpermen is the most richest guy in Los Angeles which means the guy's loaded" everyone chuckled.

"And tonight he's throwing a party and here's what we know" he looks at webs, "webs"

She nods her head. "There are at least three rooms where he's keeping the good, the Faberge eggs are in the upstairs second hall, the gold rabbit is in the trophy room surrounded by lasers that can trigger an alarm, and the collection of gems is upstairs on the third in a room marked, jade's room, this blueprint shows vents to the rooms"

"Nice" snake hissed.

"And here's  how the plan's going is going down, webs your going shut down all security cameras and and jam the phone lines that way no one can phone the police for, snake you'll get the golden rabbit statue, Piranha you get the Faberge eggs, I'll get the gem collection, webs will be our eyes and hears in case everything goes wrong, shark you'll create a distraction then we walk out of here like there's no tomorrow" Diane finishes then everyone shouts in excitement.

"Let's do this!" Diane chuckles.

At the dead of night, other millionaires arrived at the Thumpermen manor.

The bad guys arrived in disguise, Diane wore a purple dress with a blonde wig and glasses, snake a red suit, a monocle and had a gray wig, shark was in a woman's disguise but he wore a blue dress and made a brunette wig and on Diane butterfly boutonnière, webs was dressed as a butterfly and Piranha had to go through the sewers and came from inside the toilets, he need waiter disguise in order to blend right in.

"Alright we're in, let's split up" Diane signaled the others and they all split up.

Webs crawled on the wall and into the security room when she shut down the camera.

"The cameras are off" web says

"Good snake your move" Diane says through her com-link.

He nodding his head and he slithering on a marble statue when no one was looking, he slithered through the air vent.

Piranha comes out of the bathroom in a waiter disguise.

Diane was downstairs when she sees Piranha pushing a cart and moving to the elevator.

"Shark your up, we need a distraction" Diane called out to him.

"You got it"

He got on the floor and pretended he had an heart attack.

"SOMEONE HELP ME I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK" he screamed loud enough to get everyone's attention.

"Is there a doctor and a couple of security guards that could help me" a couple of guards ran to him.

And while shark was getting CPR, Piranha took the elevator upstairs and Diane sneaks away from the crowd.

Slithering through the vent, he went though a vent that was closed to the golden rabbit, he slides his tail down in the trophy room, easily without triggering the alarm and grabs the rabbit, and pulls it up.

Then he chuckles, "the rabbit is secure"

"Excellent work snake" Diane says, now go back downstairs and wait for my cue.

He nods his head and swallows the rabbit,

Then in another room, Piranha walks in a room full of fine chinaware.

He whistles, "wow this guy must be really into the fine stuff"

He walks around and sees the Faberge egg case displayed on top of a case of expensive silverware.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now