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"Professor!" Tiffany cried out as Marmalade's helicopter landed, thrusting the news station's microphone in his face.

"Care to comment?"

Marmalade posed smugly for the cameras.

"I tried to help them, but in the end it's the same old story: bad guys bad, good guys good."

Tiffany nodded. "So true. So wise."

The guys and wolf and jade watched Marmalade's performance, in total disbelief that someone could be so good at lying.

Marmalade spun to address the crowd.

"Furthermore, for the good of the city, I have generously decided to take the meteorite back to my compound for safekeeping."

The Bad Guys were horrified, but the crowd was totally into this idea.

They cheered, grateful for Marmalade's offer
and relieved to have their hero back.

"Thank you," Marmalade gushed, bowing.

"Gosh, you're kind. Give it up for me!"

Marmalade clapped for himself. All of a sudden, the meteorite turned off. then on then off again.

Everyone stared. What on Earth was going on?
„Wait a sec!" the police chief cried. "This isn't the meteorite! It's a lamp!"

There was a din of conversation as everyone turned to ask the person standing next to them what on Earth was going on.

That's when webs began to chuckle, "Hehehehehe."

There was a big, fat secret she'd been keeping from everyone.

See, the thing was, webs loved his friends. But...she also love jade too, secretly back at marmalade's compound before the gala heist, she woke up in the middle of the night to get some water, when she saw jade was up playing with some arts and crafts stuff and when she crawled next to him, he put a necklace he made for her around her neck, and when she saw him smiling and hugging her it made her feel good--and that's when she'd realized she really wasn't ready to leave her friends after all and wanted to be an aunt to jade, she'd felt the
wag after he gave her the necklace and it was incredible.

But by pretending to leave the Bad Guys, webs had realized, she could help her friends!

She explained to everyone that she'd joined Marmalade as partner and set her clever plan in action.

After she gained Marmalade's trust, she had hacked into mind-control helmet--but instead of using the helmet to carry out Marmalade's plan, she hacked into mind-controlling the guinea pigs to carry out her plan: to spray-paint the lamp replica of the Meteorite so it would look exactly like the real thing.

Then she'd had the rodents swap it out, real for fake, knowing her friends would come to try to steal it.

"But..." Marmalade said, cutting him off. He pointed to the "meteorite" and asked, "If that's a lamp, where is the_" webs giggled.

"Hehehe, the ol' switcheroo...oh and marmalade." She told everyone how the guinea pigs had swapped the real one for the fake one, then turned the real meteorite's dials from
STABLE to UNSTABLE, then all the way to SYSTEM OVERLOAD.

The meteorite had some exploding to do, "no body messes with my baby" Just as webs snapped her fingers, a giant ball of flames
shot up into the sky from way across the city.

The news cameras zoomed in, catching the Golden Dolphin flying up into the sky.

It appeared that webs—and the real meteorite—had blown up Professor Marmalade's evil compound!

"N00000000!" Marmalade screamed, folding over in despair.

"Whoo!" Shark cheered. "That's our girl right there!"

Piranha buzzed with happiness.

"C'mon," webs said modestly. "Somebody had to destroy the meteorite and I think it was sick...him trying to kill jade, plus That thing was dangerous!"

The Bad Guys hopped into the back of the police car.

They were ready to get back to the city and ride this story out.

They knew they were going to have to do some
hard time for all the things they'd stolen over the years, but they knew it was the right thing to do.

That was pretty good, Snakey!" Webs told her friend as they zipped away from Marmalade, the cameras, and the crater.

"C'mon," webs said, looking side-eyed at her.

"It wasgenius. Not only did I foil the pig, I got you to admit how much you care about me."

"And I thought we weren't supposed to make things personal," Diane pointed out.

"It worked, didn't it?" Webs said. "The look on your face when you realized that meteorite was the lamp!" She kissed her fingertips.


Diane suddenly had a sly glint in her eye.

"Sure, yeah I just wonder about one little thing."

"Oh yeah?" Webs said, tentative. "What's that, Diane?"

Diane smiled cockily. "Why did you risk yourself for jade?"

Webs 's eyes widened. "Uhh!" She'd turned red.

"I knew you cared about him deep down," Diane told him with a smile.

She popped her sunglasses on as the police car zipped through the streets.

"We're good, baby!" Shark whooped. "We're good!"

Diane grinned. The gang was back!

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now