Truck heist

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Wolf, Diane, and their friends slipped into the Meteorite Chamber and grabbed the Love Meteorite transmitter, just in
time to overhear Marmalade outside the door saying.

"And this is just the beginning! With this meteorite, we will be able to commit crimes people have only dreamed about!"

"Not bad for a butt rock,"

Diane heard webs say.

She chuckled. She knew Marmalade must be fuming to hear webs call it that. "Once again,"

he growled, in his weenie guinea pig voice. "It's NOT A-_"Marmalade opened the door to the Meteorite Chamber, just as the Bad Guys grabbed hold of his precious rock.

He pointed at them and screamed, "That's
MY rock!"

"Don't mind us," Wolf said with a wave. "Just robbing this place."

The Bad Guys ran. As soon as they strapped the meteorite to the back of the car, Wolf yelled.

the car roared forward. Diane slowed, just as they passed the cat's tree.

She leaned out the window and called, "Here, kitty, kitty!"

The cat jumped into the Bad Guy mobile, and Diane hit the gas again.

They raced toward the heart of the city, with
the meteorite snuggled safely in the trunk of the car.

They all whooped and hollered, proud that they had actually done it.

They'd succeeded in their heist. They had stolen the Love Meteorite and stopped Marmalade's evil scheme!

"Now to get this thing to the chief and clear your names!" Wolf said.

Suddenly, Piranha glanced back over his shoulder.

"Hey, Chica," he said. "Are you sure we stopped the heist?"

Diane nodded. "Marmalade can't control the guinea pigs if he doesn't have the meteorite."

Then Piranha said, pointing to several armored vans driving full speed toward Marmalade's compound.

"Then Who's driving those trucks?"

Wolf and Diane spun around. The meteorite was still glowing in the trunk!

"Wait," Diane said, wheels spinning
inside her brain.

"The meteorite-"

"It's still transmitting!" Wolf hollered.

"Uh-oh," Shark moaned.

The charity money," Diane said, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"We've got to stop those trucks!"

"Ugh if only webs were here, she would've find some way to override the trucks' navigation system?" Diane says.

"Just leave that to me" wolf says as he takes out a computer.

"Good But we'd need some kind of

Wolf slyly whipped a dozen high-tech metal discs out of his suit.

"You mean like this?"

"Ooh!" Shark shook his head in wonder. "He just keeps getting cooler!"

Diane guided the Bad Guy mobile into an extreme U-turn, and they chased after the money-filled trucks.

It was like the good ol' days of Bad Guy cop chases, but this time, they were the good guys! But as Diane continued to track the trucks,
more and more trucks joined in line beside them.

Soon, the Bad Guys were boxed in, part of a parade of guinea pig money trucks all heading back to Marmalade's compound.

Then, all of a sudden, the trucks broke into two waves and set off in opposite directions.

"Oh no," wolf mused. "Guys, we gotta split up"

He turns to snake, "Hey, snake, you feel like a guys might out?"

"Yeah!" Snake cheered. "Later fellas!"

Wolf grabbed his briefcase out of the car, and snake hopped up on his back.

They jumped out of the Bad Guy

Diane briefly wondered what the next part of wolf's plan was and how he was going to get there, but then wolf opened his briefcase and a motorcycle popped out!

"I wanna go on the guys trip," Piranha whined.

Wolf and snake split off from the others, taking an off-ramp and chasing after one set of trucks.

As they passed each of the armored trucks, Webs planted a device on each one.

Meanwhile, Diane and the other Bad Guys swerved onto another off-ramp, chasing after the rest of the fleet of trucks.

"Hey, Diane," Piranha asked, bouncing with energy in the backseat.

"Can I go crazy? Please say yes!"

"You're insured, right?" Shark asked Diane.

"Yeah, why?" Diane asked.

As soon as he got his yes, Shark ripped off the roof of the car.

Shark lifted Piranha into the air and launched him forward.

"It's ceviche, baby!" Piranha whooped. The feisty fish zipped through the air, parkouring off trucks and zipping from tire to tire, planting devices on each truck he hit.

Shark hung out the window, using his weight to tilt the whole car sideways on two wheels so he could reach under the trucks to plant more devices.

On wolf's laptop screen, the map suddenly began to populate with trucks and their trackers all across the city.

"Yes!" He cheered, then got to work hacking as the final disks were put in place on the remaining trucks.

Moments later, the gadgets under the trucks all began to change color.

The screens inside the trucks began to flash with a message: HACKED.

The trucks' self-drive mode kicked in, and the steering wheels began to turn on their own.

The guinea pigs had lost control of the trucks. and now they were all turning to go back in the opposite direction.

Soon the trucks were pulling up at charity locations all across the city_-delivering the money to where it was supposed to go in the first place!

The Bad Guys' plan had worked.

"¡Yoo-hoo!" Wolf whooped. He couldn't believe

they'd done it. Even though the meteorite was still transmitting, they'd hacked the trucks and thwarted Marmalade's plan to steal all the cash.

"Yeah!" Shark and Piranha said, fist-bumping each other.

Snake watched wolf work, impressed at his insane hacking skills.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" He asked.

"Well when you're the gray paw, you tend to learn new things, But honestly mostly YouTube."

He steered his motoreycle along beside the Bad Guys' car.

Snake hopped off the bike and joined the other Bad Guys in the car.

"Nice work," Wolf told them, then he ripped off his mission suit.

He was wearing his governor power suit underneath, ready to move on to the next
phase of their plan.

Time to turn the meteorite over to the

"Meet me at the police station in ten minutes." Wolf said, vrooming her motorcycle. "And don't be late."

As wolf drove off, Diane smiled at her crew.

"What do you say we deliver this butt rock to the chief??" She asked, grinning.

The Bad Guys all cheered and sang while they drove full speed toward the city, with the Love Crater Meteorite tucked into the back.

It was time to end this thing!

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now