The plan

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The next afternoon, the Bad Guys prepared for their big night as early coverage of that evening's gala filled TV screens across the citv.

Tiffany Fluffit was first on the scene of the charity event, reporting live from the red carpet, a few hours before the start of the festivities. "What up, We are just minutes away from Marmalade's Gala for Goodness, where the legendary Love Crater Meteorite will be on display for the first time ever!" she said, smiling into the camera.

"But what everyone is really buzzing about," Tiffany said over the footage, "is the Bad Guys whose heart-melting rescue video has made them an overnight viral sensation."

Diane was going over the plan

"alright, guys," Diane said, drawing the other guys in close. This is the big one."

She explained the challenge that lay ahead of them, considering the extra protections that were in place for the Golden Dolphin statue after their last heist attempt.

The Golden Dolphin is inside a titanium case controlled by a randomly generated five-digit code- a code kept safe and secure inside a briefcase, handcuffed to the chief of police."

Piranha whistled. "She's not messing around

"The code is only accessible with her
authorized fingerprint."

"Leave that to me," Snake assured the others. "While Snake gets the code," Diane went on.

"Shark will secure the fake dolphin.

"I like the sound of that." Shark smiled.

Meanwhile, the rest of us plant circuit jammers..." Diane explained.

"allowing me to hack into the power grid," Webs said

"At the end of the night," Diane went on. "We toast the professor. Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda . . . and when I say Marmalade, lights go out, and we'll have exactly four seconds to make our move."

Snake chuckled. "The ol' switcheroo..." He could already imagine their moment of glory: He'd enter the code to crack into the titanium case, it would open, and they the Bad Guys would swap the Golden Dolphin for a dummy dolphin. They'd close the case back up, quick and easy, and the lights would be back on again.

"Chief hands Marmalade his fake dolphin, we get our pardon, applause applause, exit stage right, And By the time they realize what happened-"

"SO LONG, SUCKERS!!" A pre-programmed, mocking Diane lowering a pair of sunglasses onto her face flashes across the screens onstage.

Diane nodded, proud of the plan, "we'll be driving off into the sunset, like a legacy cemented.

"Heading to the Bahamas" webs says excitingly.

Everyone chuckles.

"I gotta hand it to you," webs said to Diane "You're a real artist."

"Thanks now while the chief is busy, harry has he has the money and he is willing to negotiated transferring us the money for jade"

As everyone clapped, jade pops out, smiling at them.

They were inside marmalade's limo when they arrived.

"Alright guys this is it, our last night babysitting jade let's get ready"

She was looking at him, holding the babbling baby words at him.

"Ok little guy, ready to go home" she told him and he holds on to her.

"I'll hold on to jade while I find Harry" Diane says.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now