rescue hesist

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That afternoon, Professor Marmalade led the
Bad Guys to a bright, fancy-looking science lab.

Protesters were gathered outside the building, holding signs that read, "Free the Pigs! Free the bunnies!"

The group could hear the protesters chanting that same refrain, over and over, near the front doors of the facility.

"That is an animal testing lab," the professor explained "Within, 200,000 helpless guinea pigs and bunnies, all being poked and prodded by sadistic scientists."

In a trancelike state, Snake muttered, "Guinea pigs and bunnies , you say!" he begins to rise up and grins like crazy.

"Snake!" Diane growled.

"I want you to rescue them. But this is a heist for good. So, I brought something more friendly for you to wear."

He joyfully presented the Bad Guys with a set of cute animal onesies for them to use as disguises.

Snake as a unicorn, Piranha as a fluffy teddy bear, Shark as a harmless walrus, and Tarantula as a cute ring tail striped lemur, It was the ultimate humiliation, but nothing could beat Diane's humiliation you would think it would bring a fox in a hen house to a whole new meaning if she was in a yellow baby chick onesie but no...she would be working this job dressed as a bunny.

"Bye-ee!" He sped off, leaving the guys alone for the first time all day.

Tarantula glanced down at her lemur suit, "We'll there goes our street cred"

Piranha shrugged, snuggling into his teddy bear suit. "At least it's comfy."

Diane gathered the gang together to lay out her plan. She pointed to a window on the second floor of the lab, where a scientist was working away, "alright" she told the others. "We need to distract that scientist."

She nodded at Shark. "Shark, you're up."

"Copy that," Shark agreed.

As shark left, the other guys began working on their part of the plan. "Ok We're gonna need a rope And a hook" Diane the said.

Snake then with a happy grin on his face spout up and said, "I got this one!"

The rest of the guys looked at Snake, immediately suspicious.

"WHAT" they all shouted.

"You're volunteering?" Piranha asked.

"You've never volunteered for anything," Webs reminded him.

"Sure I did. Right now. Throw me up there!" Snake hollered.



"Really?" Diane asked
"Yup!" Snake said. "I'm 99 percent sure you can make it"

"Ok" Diane shrugs.

"Let's do it"

By that point, Shark had snuck inside the lab and was now wearing a fake mustache and carrying a baseball mitt. "Hey there, son," he said to the scientist working inside the lab.

"dad!!!?" the scientist stammered.

Shark nodded. "I know you've got an important job, but I hope you still have time for catch with your old man."

"Oh!" the scientist said, shocked.

But then he heard a noise coming through the window, he was about to turn but shark grabs his face.

"Hey kiddo, You'll always be my special boy!" Shark cooed.

"I've been waiting my entire life for this moment!" The scientist then hugged shark, shark then pushes him away and throws the ball.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now