Car chase

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Diane and her friends sped through the streets of Los Angeles.

Behind them, a whole new fleet of cop cars had now joined the chase.

The chief's car pulled up beside them, and she climbed out the window.

"I'm going to put you guys away for so long, your fleas will have fleas!" She growled.

The bad guys have been a thorn in the chief's neck for so long.

The chief grabbed the door of diane's car and pulled it toward her with tremendous strength.

"Ah" the bad guys yelled when they were surprised by her.

she was hanging--suspended-between her
own car and his, like a bridge.

Shark leaned out the window. " want some cake?" he offered. "You seem a little hangry."

Everyone laughed then The chief shouted back,

"Get that thing out of my face
before I-"

"Excuse me," Diane cut her off. "Excuse me, Chief."

"What?" The police chief sputtered.

Wolf gestured with his finger for the chief to take a look at the road ahead. While she'd been focusing on stopping the Bad Guy mobile, her own car had nearly sideswiped a

"Ahhhhhhhh!" she screamed, climbing back into her car and clutching the wheel just in time to prevent a collision.

"Uh," Piranha said, glancing nervously out the car's front window. "Hermana..." Wolf was driving straight toward a blockade of police cars.

They were totally boxed in! But Diane just kept accelerating as if he didn't see that there was nowhere for them to go but straight into the blockade.

"DIANE" webs yelled in a panic.

At the very last second, Diane threw the steering wheel to the left and drove down a huge staircase.

"AH" everyone screamed but Diane As they bumped down the stairs, all the Bad Guys flew out the sunroof, flipping and flopping in midair, before landing back in the car with a thud.

Then a tall white and brown rabbit with pink ears and orange eyes with black pupils, the size of a man wear gray three piece suit with a gold watch and brown dress shoes, he was walking with a stroller

His ears were slicked back along with his hair, the stroller was an old fashioned one, it was white with blue trimmings.

"Hmm" he hummed.

But as he was paying no focus to the bad guys riding down the staircase, he heard them yelling.

"Huh" saying in a confused tone, he turn to see them coming towards him and the carriage.

"AH" he and the bad guys screamed at the same time.

When the car came close, he finches as he gets in front of the carriage and he closes his eyes so he won't see it coming.

Diane saw then she panicked, "AH"

Then she turned the steering wheel, the rabbit moved out of the way and the car gently touched the carriage and drove away.

Everyone then quickly buckled their seatbelts, the rabbit was still shaking from that almost crash, he grabbed his chest, fan himself with his hand tries to ease his nerves, his heart was beating really fast from fear and he watches them leave.

"Ah" he was pasting fast.

"Yeah," Diane muttered.

"We may be bad.... but we're so good at it."

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now