Meet the bad guys...again

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Outside, the two legendary she-criminals strolled down the sidewalk side by side.

All around them, people veered away and skittered away from the two female Bad Guys.

They were well-known, and highly feared.

And wanted for so many things.

Cars and trucks screeched to a halt, making it easy for the two to cross the street but instead of going to the front doors of the Big Bank, right next door.

They go inside a jewelry shop

"You know what I been thinking" Diane asked Diane says as they walk inside the store.

"What?" Webs asked as the people inside screamed and ran out the doors.

"We should have a girl's night out," Diane said, but web shakes her head in annoyance.

"Don't mind us," Diane said, flashing a charming smile at one of the jewelry owners.

"Just robbin' this place."

The owner screams and panics as he takes a tray as Diane takes out a bag, then he bag and dumps the diamond in.

Like he knew the routine, like it was their daily routine.

"I don't know, what about the guys" webs asked as Diane goes through cases and steals golden watches, diamond necklaces, blinging rings and crested bracelets and earrings.

"Oh come on, for once let's have some fun without the guys"

And once the jewelry shop owner emptied out the cash register.

He was so afraid of Diane, his hands here trembling as he slowly tries to hand it to her.

"Thanks Robert, you been a really great help today" Diane says as she takes the bag.

"AH" then the owner ran screaming.

"See you on Tuesday Robert"

Everything was going exactly according to plan, as The two friends calmly walked out the fire exit, and tossed the bag of loot into the back of their Bad Guys' car.

Outside the store, the two friends admired the posters hanging on the building's windows. There were dozens of WANTED posters, all featuring Ms fox and Ms. tarantula's mug shots.

"it feels so good to be known" Diane said in pride.

a gorgeous sports car fit for celebrities—celebrities like the Bad Guys!

The two ladies buckled in and webs takes out her computer.

They'd outsmarted the good guys, once again.

"It's crime time baby" they both said, smiles spreading across their faces.

Diane pressed the gas pedal and floored it. Zipping through the streets of Los Angeles.

While webs worked on finding escape routines, Diane expertly guided the Bad Guy mobile through the streets.

"Hey, you, Yeah, you, Get over here. Just a little bit closer. Oh I know what it is, you afraid Because I'm a fox? You know crafty, clever, and cunning, Uhh Not surprised. That is what we fixes are known for, we're always tricking people, con masters, eating hens, hunting down innocent rabbits but honestly I'm not a fan of rabbits you always have to remove the hair first too much work, Isn't that right mr. Tarantula

"Yep" webs chuckles.

"Say hello to Ms. tarantula"

"Our in-house hacker" Wolf cheered. "Our pocket search engine, our traveling tech wizard." "But I call her... WEBS."

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now