The bad guys on tv

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At the bad guy's secret hideout, everyone laughed as they saw their were on the newspaper.


"Good idea Diane that's genius" webs says, "there's no way that millionaire won't pay to have his kid back" she was holding the baby in her hand as he was smiling at Diane, he was stretching his paw out to her.

"Now all we do is wait for daddy to transfer us the money, we deliver his kid in a box and shipped it to his mansion and we're home free" Diane said.

"That's genius" snake laughed.

Then Diane puts the baby down, he hops around as he follows her to the couch,

Diane and the others walked over to the couch and Diane snapped on the TV, settling into the couch as she said, "alright Let's see what they're saying about us today."

On the TV, there was a banner that read: BREAKING NEWS! A young, ambitious news reporter named Tiffany Fluffit was standing in front of the chesterfield mansion.

"Tiffany Fluffit," she chirped into a microphone, "Channel Six Action News.

"The bad guys have struck again, they kidnapped Harry thumbermen's son jade

A picture of Harry hold his son jade

"And is now being held hostage until their demands have been made"

Jade hop on coach, his foot kept slipping then he finally pulls himself up and falls on his back on the couch.

Diane looked down at him when she was surprised by his name

"So your name is jade, that figures" the jade room she was in, was his.

"You couldn't figure out if that was his room" snake says to webs

"Hey give me a break, I can't always provide the entire details" webs shouts

"I'm standing here with mr. Thumbermen as he is mourning the lost of his only son"

The camera shows Harry thumbermen as he walks to the mic, waving at the reporters who were taking pictures of him.

"This is a very sad day for the thumbermen, jade is the only son I have right now, and it's hard for a single parent, no parent should go through what I went through right now.

Everyone rolled their eyes in annoyance then Harry starts to get serious.

" but honestly I think the bad guys are more then they appear to be, maybe the bad guys are good people, it's just a shame they have to live this lifestyle, running from the police, but I think they can change for the good"

The bad guys were surprised that someone sees the good in them, before laughing.

"Like that's gonna ever happen" Diane says.

"With the police baffled the bad guys are Proving once again that they are the most diabolical criminals of our time-_"

"Ooh, diabolical," snake said, "That's new."

"You know what that Sounds like, a cologne." Shark giggled. He switched to a suave, cologne-ad voice. "Diaboooolical."

Everyone laughed, jade laughs with them.

The reporter, Tiffany, continued, "Here to address this heinous crime spree is the newly elected governor, moe wolf."

"Oh Governor?" Diane gasped amazed that they'd gotten attention from someone so high up in the government.

Jade sniffs Diane's paw and hops on her lap then looks at the tv to see the new governor.

"Hmm" he whispered.

The bad guys role swap: what if Diane and wolf switched roles Where stories live. Discover now