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(For context Robin is your twin brother and he didn't die bc I said so 🐦)

"Come Finney" my brother complains as we walk, ever sense Finney escaped the Grabber we've always walked to school and from school all of the time. We were never alone. "Just ask her out it can't be that hard" I say as we walk "um it actually is" Finney says to me "what makes it so hard" Robin asks "it's hard because he doesn't know if he wants to ask her or another girl" Gwen says giggling "there's another girl" I ask smirking "no" Finney defends. "I mean if you actually end up asking one of them out who knows if they actually will say yes" I say shrugging as we walk into the school "burn" Robin laughs out as we stop at out lockers and lucky for us there next to each other's besides Gwen's locker.

"I hate it when you say stuff like that" Finney says to me as he starts to put his code in "liar...I know you love it" I say smirking at him before I unlock my locker. Robin laughs at him as he also unlocks his locker. "I do not" Finney says as he grabs his notebooks and other stuff from his locker. "Dude" Robin says looking at him, I look at Finney and his face his clearly red "Finney.....you thinking about your two girlfriends" I ask teasing before I give him a small laugh. I grab my books and notebooks, "alright I have to go to my class early" I say before closing my locker and locking it. "Why" Robin asks "friends" I mumble before leaving.

3rd person

"I hate her sometimes" Finney mumbles as he holds his stuff tight "Finney" Robin says looking at him, Finney gives him a small nod for what he meant "I know you like my sister" Robin says only for Finney's face to glow red once again "I-I do not" Finney says a little to loudly "it's fine dude.....she likes you to" Robin says. "Really" Finney asks as he smiles a little bit. There was no way that the Y/n Arellano liked un-normal and weird Finney Blake. "Yeah really" Robin says before continuing "your all she can talk about on weekends or whenever she's not with you" Robin exposes his sister. "Now anyways I have to get to class and so do you so come on" Robin says before walking away, Finney follows as with smile on his face. Y/n Arellano liked him!

Time skip
Your POV

"Y/n" Robin yells as he runs to me as I've been waiting for him to get out of his last class for what felt like an hour. "What took you so long" I ask as we start to walk "Finney and Gwen should be waiting for us" Robin says ignoring my question. "Okay" I mutter as we walk outside and sure enough Finney and Gwen were waiting for us at the outside doors.

    "Hey finney ask one of your girlfriends out yet" I ask as we start to walk "not yet" Finney mumbles "it better be soon" I mumble back as we walk to my place.

Time skip

"Do we have to watch this" Finney asks "scared Finney" I ask as I sit next to him "no" Finney quickly says as me and Robin smirk at his reaction. "It's just people getting murdered" I mumble before the movie plays.

After half a hour I felt Finney shake rapidly, he had a cover on so there was no way he was cold. "You okay Finney" I ask looking at him with curiosity "I don't like this very much" Finney whispers to me, I grab his hand softly as I stand up "I'm gonna take Finney to my room he's not feeling well" I say to Gwen and Robin, they both nod before I walk to my room as my hand is still in Finney's.

"You can stay here, I'll go back to watching the movie" I say as I let go of his hand only for him to grab my hand "can you stay" Finney asks "sure" I say as he leads me to the bed. "Your bed is really comfortable" Finney mumbles to me as we slip under the covers "thank you Finney boy" I mumble back to him as we stare into each other's eyes "wanna know something" Finney asks making me nod in response "you were the girl I wanted to ask out" Finney says making me blush. Holy shit, did he mean that? He couldn't have meant that.

    "I thought there was another girl" I say trying to make myself believe that he didn't, there's no way. Why would he like me, Donna was so pretty and I'm just me. "There was never another girl, I thought I liked Donna but I couldn't stop thinking about you" Finney admits to me "so will you go out with me" Finney asks. "Yes I will" I say blushing as he wraps his arms around my torso. "God....I thought you'd never say yes" Finney says to me "why" I ask "well your just amazing and I'd never think someone as cool and beautiful as you would say yes to weird Finney Blake" Finney says to me "I'd never thought you'd ask me" I say smiling at him.

   "Dating" Finney asks "yup, dating" I mumble before planting a quick kiss on his soft lips "sense we're dating hopefully it means that you'll stop being a smart ass with me" Finney says "maybe, I'll only be a smart ass if you give me a good enough reason to" I say to him as he inches in face closer to mine but he doesn't kiss me he just stares into my eyes and then he stares down at my lips.

"Your brother told me that you liked me earlier today" Finney exposes my twin brother "that snitch" I mumble making him chuckle as my choice of words "I'm glad he did though, if he didn't I probably would've never asked you out" Finney admits "I take my words back" I mumble making him chuckle again.

  "Good night Finney" I say closing my eyes while I smile "good night y/n and please, call me Finn" Finney says, I giggle softly "okay Finn, night" I mumble "night" Finney mumbles back to me as we both falls asleep in each other's arms.

1083 words

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