𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚(Robin Arellano

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As Y/n walked to school she felt a sudden pull on her arm "what the hell" Y/n muttered as she looked at the person who roughly pulled her arm for no reason.

"Robin" Y/n questioned with a groan "Y/n" Robin smiled at her as she pulled her arm away "what is it now" Y/n asked as she crossed her arms "I can't just talk to my girlfriend" Robin asked as he tilt his head. "Just tell me what it is" Y/n said, she knew Robin wanted something.

"No fun" Robin groaned before talking again "I was wondering if you wanted to skip school and stay home with me" Robin asked causing his girlfriend to groan "really Robin" Y/n asked "yes really tonta I want you to skip school and stay home with me" Robin said "what did you call me" Y/n asked "nothing" Robin quickly said.

"But please" Robin begged as he grabbed her hands "please bonita just for one day" Robin begged as he squeezed her hands that were in his "why couldn't you ask on a different day" Y/n asked groaning "what's wrong with today" Robin asked cluelessly "it's Thursday" Y/n said "it's a perfect day... come on" Robin groaned as he pulled her.

"dios, your lucky that I like you" Y/n groaned as she walked with Robin.


"Is your mom home" Y/n asked as they walked closer to Robins house "No her and my tío went to go do something" Robin said as he opened his front door.

"Now come on... I wanna lay down" Robin said as he rushed Y/n inside, as soon as she stepped inside he locked the door as pulled her to his room.

Robin flopped on the bed as Y/n just sat down. "Come here" Robin whined causing Y/n to giggle as she laid down next to him "I can't believe that I agreed to skip with you" Y/n muttered as he slowly put a arm around her side stomach "I'm shocked that you even  agreed" Robin said with a small smile.

They started at each other for a good amount of silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was very comfortable. The way they both started at each other in awe, their arms wrapped around one another, along with their small smiles on their face.

"Imagine if we were in school right now" Robin muttered to Y/n as she chuckled "I'd be in PE right now" Y/n said softly "I'd be in.... Reading" Robin said, "aren't you glad that you gave in to staying home with me" Robin questioned as he scooted his face closer to hers "a little" Y/n whispered.

Just as Y/n was about to say something Robin cuts her off before she could even get the chance to even mutter a word.

He kissed her softly, very slow but also passionate. This wasn't their first kiss but it was one of the few.

This went on for about a couple of minutes, he leaned up, of course he pulled her up as they kissed. He pulled away for a split second before kissing her again, he pulled her even closer from her waist. She put her hands directly on-top of his shoulders.

He pulled away, blushing slightly. "Damn" Robin whispered making Y/n laugh. "That's what you have to say after kissing" Y/n asked with a smile "is it a bad thing" Robin asked making her laugh once more. "No- not at all" Y/n said as she laid back down which Robin did the same.

Y/n closed her eyes as she yawned Robin smirked at her, "are you tired" Robin asked. "Yup" Y/n nodded "take a nap" Robin whispered as he patted her shoulder.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now