𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙝(Robin Arellano

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It was was a Saturday night. 11:07pm. Currently Y/n lied down in her bed with tears streaming down her face. Her thoughts making her cry more.

"Y/n—please tell me what's wrong" Finney said to her as he put a hand on her shoulder. "it's nothing... i'm just being overdramatic" Y/n answered as Finney sipped her tears. "Y/n please" Finney begged.

After ten minutes or so she finally answered. "Fine. Me and Robin got into a argument" Y/n said making Finney gasp "what, why, what did he do" Finney asked.

"He wasn't in a good mood i guess... and i provoked him" Y/n said looking down. He knew she was lying. "Come on Y/n tell me the truth" Finney said as his voice softens. She shakes her head as she sits up. Her eyes a light red from her crying.

"I'm just being overdramatic—he didn't even yell that much" Y/n defended her boyfriend. 

After Finney got Y/n to explain the argument his cheeks got red as his fist held the blanket. "I need to go" Finney said as he stood up. "Take a nap—i might be a while" Finney answered as he patted her shoulder. "Okay" Y/n nodded.


"Robin" Finney yelled as he banged on her door. "What—oh it's you. Hi Finney" Robin smiled slightly. "What the hell is wrong with you" Finney pushed him.

Normally Finney wouldn't react this way. But Finney and Y/n were close, like really close. They were like siblings.

"Woah. Back up" Robin said as he stood away. "Why are you acting like this" Robin asked with a shocked face "You made Y/n cry" Finney yelled.

Robins heart ached at this, but he sorta knew. The two did get into a argument.

"She's crying" Robin asked "Yeah you dipshit" Finney said his voice getting quiet but still loud. "Woah. Where did you get this cussing from" Robin asked making Finney sigh and look down. "Gwen" Finney said quietly.

"Anyways—take me to Y/n's i want to apologize" Robin said.


He entered her room quietly. "Be nice to her Robin" Finney said before leaving "thanks for bringing me here man" Robin said "Your welcome" Finney smiled before leaving.

"Y/n" Robin said as he walked to her bed, kneeling down to see her. Her cheeks pink and her nose along with it. He climbed behind her lying down. She was up and he knew it.

"Robin" Y/n asked quietly as she turned around to face her. "I'm sorry for making you cry" Robin said as he stormed her face gently. "I didn't mean to" Robin said. Y/n nods. "Get under the blanket you must be cold" Y/n said interrupting the silence. "Yeah—sure" Robin answered with a smile.

He put the blanket over them, wrapping his arms around her. She moved closer to him. His body warmth radiating off of him to her.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now