𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚(all of the boys

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𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙤
-him being really overprotective of you,ex=someone is being mean to you or their making fun of you? He's beating them up(if it's a boy) (if it's a girl?) threatens them
-always as to be touching you(not in a nasty way!), like knees touching or he his hand is on yours. He needs to know that your safe
-watching Chainsaw Massacre together, him pretending to be scared so we can hold you, sometimes you two watch it with Finney and maybe Gwen, sharing the same blanket with him while watching the movie
-Gwen and Finney are always fourth wheelers with you two because he's always acting lovey dovey, sometimes you to Gwen have to tell him to stop so he will he'll just hold your hand very tightly
-gets jealous easily, like if he sees a boy being to touchy and he knows that you don't like what their doing he'll step in, otherwise he'll just watch and glare from a distance
-he probably fought your ex because they were talking about you

𝙑𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧
-going to the arcade together, playing games and cussing at the machines when you both lose, sometimes he kicks the machines. This dude has no shame in fighting anyone who messes with your game or his
-surprisingly doesn't get jealous easily, he knows your his and that he's yours, he also knows for a fact that you won't leave him for another person
-on purpose he scares your friends so he can get more close time with you, doesn't see a problem whenever you ask him not to do scare your friends so they can leave you guys alone
-his love language is eye contact, he likes someone who isn't scared of him, he likes someone who can look at him as an equal and not someone who is so fucking scary. If you do look at him like your scared he won't talk to you he'll just stare at you because it makes you look weak
-loves when you two lay down (not cuddling) you'll just be staring at him and he'll be staring at you and he just loves it, he loves having your eyes on him. "Your eyes are so pretty" you say as you lay down, he just stares smirking a bit

𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙠𝙚
-holding him for hours after he escaped the Grabber, crying and talking to him, he doesn't want you to let go of him. He just wants to be near you
-he's definitely clingy but he tries not to be, but he'll eventually give in to his wants and he'll just hold onto your waist or shoulders
-your best friends with Gwen, whenever you come over and you and him are just chilling in his room she'll bust in and just talk to you more than him, he kicks her out after like 2 hours
-sometimes get jealous whenever Gwen takes your attention away, he'll be trying to talk to you and then Gwen will interrupt him, he'll put an arm around you whenever this happens you move yourself closer so he knows that he still has your attention
-his arms are always on you when y'all are laying down but when you two wake up he's facing away from you, it's a mystery to the both of you
-he has a nightlight because he gets nightmares most of the time if the Grabber after he escapes, you hold his for hours telling him that he's safe and that the Grabber is gone
-won't fight someone for himself but will fight someone for you, (if their taking it way to far)
-whenever a girl tries to talk to him after he escapes he immediately looks for you, doesn't want to talk to any other girl, he only likes you

𝘽𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙚 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙖
-going to his games all of the time, kisses you after he wins or loses (depends on his mood)
-when he loses a game you take him to your place and watch movies and when he wins you take him to get ice cream or any other snacks
-play fights all of the time whenever you two are bored, one time whenever you two played fight he accidentally hurt you and he apologized so many times so now he's always careful
-he lets you play with his hair but he will only let you braid his hair once every five months
-dances to your favorite songs with you, he teaches you how to dance. He loves to stare into your eyes while you two dance with each other
-his mom loves you so much, she might love you more than she does him....
"ma I'm gonna go to Y/n's"
"Okay bring her this" it's a small container of food she made you "it's not for you so don't eat it, it's for Y/n" his mom says "yeah yeah, bye love you" he says before leaving to go to your place
-he winks at you during game, will hug the shit out of you even if he smells which he most likely does "Bruce stop" you whine "why I like hugging you" he says hugging you tightly "you smell" you say before he pulls away, you both have to take a bath(separately)

884 words

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