𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙤(Billy Showalter

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It was a semi normal day for Y/n, the weather wasn't too hot or too cold. So Y/n decided to go to the park, I mean there was nothing better to during the summer.

As she walked over to the swings the air blowed through her (long/short) hair moved rapidly in the air which she found annoying. She quickly put her hair in a low ponytail which stopped her hair from hitting her face.

Soon after the air stopped moveing her hair, they air calmed down in a weird way.

She began to swing back and forth in the swing that held her.

She smiled as she looked up at the sky but her comfortable silence was soon "ruined" by yelling.

"Milo, get back here boy" A loud voice yelled. Y/n quickly looked to where the yelling came from.

There ran was a boy who looked her he, brown/blond-ish mid hair, same height as her.

She also saw a fluffy golden retriever that ran away from him as he called out for it to come back. "Milo come on" he cried out as Milo stopped right in-front of her.

He barked at her as she stopped swing to look at the dog, Milo.

She started at the dog in awe as Billy quickly ran over to her and the dog.

"Hi" Y/n said softly as the dog jumped up on her as best as it could, sense it was a big dog he caused her to fall on the moloch under the swing. "Shit" Y/n cursed as the do go licked her.

"Milo" Billy yelled as he kneeled down "I am- so so sorry" Billy said as he attempts to pull Milo off of the pretty girl who sat down on the moloch.

"No it's fine" Y/n said as she looked up at the boy while she slightly stood up. "I'm really sorry about Milo, he usually isn't like this" Billy apologized as he grabbed Milo by his collar. "No it's fine, he's a pretty dog" Y/n mumbled, she wasn't exactly talking about the dog being pretty she was talking about the boy standing in-front of her.

As soon as Billy let go of Milo's collar he jumped on Y/n once again, licking her hands and trying to lick her face but from the way she moved her face to the side as she laughed the dog couldn't.

"I guess he really likes you" Billy said as he softly petted his dog that sat on the pretty girls lap.

"Um- what's your name" Billy asked as he sits down next to Y/n, "Y/n, what's yours" Y/n replied as she asked him his name "Billy but most people call me paper boy" Billy replied "why paper boy" Y/n questioned as she petted the dog on her lap that watched his owner talk to the girl. "I deliver papers" Billy explained.

Y/n nodded as the two stared at each other, admiring each other which the dog quickly became impatient as Y/n stopped petting him. The dog barked causing them to stop looking at each other and look at Milo.

"I should probably take him home" Billy said as he stood up, Y/n hummed as she slightly pushed Milo off of her so she could stand up. "Again i'm really sorry about Milo" Billy said as Milo sat looking up at the two people. "It's fine, he's really nice" Y/n replied, once again they both knew that she wasn't talking about the dog.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime, you know so Milo can see you again" Billy asked making the excuse for "Milo".

"Yeah sure I'd love to see Milo again" Y/n smiled at him as she stopped talking.

"B-Bye Y/n" Billy stuttered as he walked away "bye paper boy and Milo" Y/n called out as Billy smiled.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now