𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚(Robin Arellano

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"Y/n" Donna squealed as she ran to her best friend "Donna" Y/n squealed back as they hug each other "you won't believe what just happened" Donna said not being able to stand still from excitement. "What happened Donna" Y/n asked as she stood up with her best friend"Finn asked me out on a date" Donna admitted.

"Finn, like Blake" Y/n asked making Donna nod. They hugged in return, "I have to help you get ready" Y/n said smiling.

"Oh and he said it would be a double date" Donna said "i'll ask him who's coming along with you too" Y/n said calming down her friend, it would be easy to talk to Finney sense she had been friends with him sense she moved next to his house.


"Finn" Y/n said as she tapped his shoulder "yes Y/n" Finney asked "so, you finally asked our Donna" Y/n asked with a smile even though she knew the answer "y-yeah I did" Finney blushes "anyways, she mentioned that it'll be a double date. Who else is going" Y/n asked "Robin, i'm trying to get him to ask out his c-" "Just a person" Robin cut him off from saying crush.  "Well come to me if you need any help" Y/n smiled before walking away to find her friends before the school day was over.

Once she was gone Robin hit Finney's shoulder "ow Robin" Finney groaned "you almost told the girl I like that your trying to get me to ask my crush out for the double date" Robin said sternly. "so" Finney asked


"You look beautiful Donna" Y/n smiled as she looked at her friend walked around nervously "you think" Donna smiled earning a quick nod. "Can you come with me, Finney's friend hasn't found a date and I also don't want to be alone if something bad happens"Donna said as she played with her fingers "i'll come though I know nothing bad will happen" Y/n tells her as she hugs her.

"But now I have to get ready and..." "i'll get your outfit out" Donna said before rushing to her friends closet. Finding a cute outfit and hands it to her friend to get changed.

After changing and doing her make up, well—more like chapstick, mascara, and lipgloss. It wasn't like she liked Robin she was just for a friend. Yeah-just for Donna.


At the Drive In Donna ran up to Finney with a smile as Y/n walked behind her friend.

"Y/n" Finney asked with a small smile, looking at Robin earning a hit. "Donna mentioned that Robin didn't have a date so she asked me to come" Y/n said as she held her hands. "Nice to know" Finney smiled hitting Robin lightly with his elbow.

Donna and Finney sat at the front of the car as Robin and Y/n sat at the back. "I'm gonna go get some snacks" Finney said "I-I'll come to" Donna offered after Finney asked what they all wanted.

"I'm glad you came, I didn't want to be a third wheel" Robin said as he looked at Y/n, the dim lighting making her look even more beautiful.

Y/n smiled as she stared at him "nice to know I could be I would just be a fourth wheel along with you Robin" Y/n smiled.

"He—um, he really likes her" Robin said still looking at Y/n "same with her, she won't stop talking about him" Y/n said.

Soon their eye contacting cut off by Finney throwing Robins and Y/n's snacks on Robins lap and face. "Fucker" Robin cursed before the movie started.

"Horror movie" Y/n asked "no Finney's to scared to watch them" Robin shrugged.

An hour into the movie Donna and Finney had their eye wrapped each other.

Y/n's eyes were close to closing as she tried to get comfortable. "Something wrong" Robin asked as she groaned uncomfortably "i'm tired but I can't get comfortable in this car" Y/n groaned.

Robin patted his lap "here, you can fall asleep until the movie is over" Robin offered making Y/n nod.

She laid her head down on his thighs, soon after she fell asleep he smiled down at her "wow Robin" Finney smirked as he turned his head "shut it Finn" Robin said before tracing his hand on her cheek, moving her hair that fell to cover her face.

"Night Y/n" Robin smiled down at her.


Once she woke up she forgot she fell asleep on her crushed lap. "Sleep well" Robin asked as she sat up, "yup" Y/n nodded with a lazy smile.

"We're going to leave Y/n get up" Donna yawned tiredly making Robin and Y/n break eye contact, he reached down finding a marker. Writing his home number on her hand. "Call me when you get home so I know your safe" Robin said helping her out of the car "mkay Robin" Y/n smiled before leaving with Donna, giggling and talking as they walked.

"Finally got the guts to even-" "shut it Finney and take me home" Robin groaned as he hopped in the front seat. "Whatever you say Rob" Finney shrugged with a smile.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now