𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩(Bruce Yamada

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"Y/n" Robin called as he knocked on his older sisters door loudly "what Robin what" Y/n yelled from her bed. Robin didn't answer or respond he just continued to knock on her door.She groaned as she got off of her bed. Putting her socks on so her feet wouldn't be as cold from the wooden floor.

She unlocked her door and sat on het bed once again. "My door is unlocked so come in" Y/n yelled, Robin came in with a small smile but also with a nervous look. "What do you need" Y/n asked immediately "w-why would you think i'd need anything" Robin asked with a cheeky smile "the only time you knock on my door you either want to hang out or you need something" Y/n responded.

"Ugh—fine I was wondering if you could clean the kitchen....Finn is bringing a friend and-" "-yeah fine just you owe me five dollars" Y/n cut her brother off with her hand out.

Robin rushed to his room and then rushed back to her room "here" Robin said as he put $5 in her hand. "Thank you brother" Y/n smiled before hugging him. "Yeah-Yeah now I have to go meet up with them and we'll walk back" Robin smiled before leaving.

"Y/n" Finney smiled as he hugged Y/n "hey Finn" Y/n smiled back as they hugged. "Y/n... hi" Bruce smiled at her "h-hey" Y/n mumbled to him with a blush on her face. "Come on Bruce" Robin slapped his back gently before walking to the living room.

"You wanna watch a movie with us" Finney asked as they sat down "s-sure" Y/n stuttered as she sat down next to Bruce on the couch.

"Horror movie" Robin asked with a smirk "no" Finney immediately said "why not, last time we watched enter the dragon like a million times just can we please watch a horror movie this once" Robin begged as Finney crossed his arms. "I guess" could be heard escaping Finney's lips. Robin smiled "Yes—finally" Robin said before kneeling down to put in his favorite movie on.

"You like horror movies" Bruce asked quietly as he turned his head to Y/n, now she was blushing like before. Staring at him like a deer in headlights.

"....yeah..well kinda" Y/n replied with a small smile "do you" Y/n asked as she looked into his eyes "eh-horror movies are okay" Bruce shrugged with a small smile.

As the movie started Y/n shrunk to herself, Bruce noticed this as she would shrink to herself whenever a jump scare came onto the screen. He looked at her "you okay" Bruce mouthed out Y/n shook her head "scared.. and i'm kinda cold" Y/n whispered.

Bruce took off his light grey jacket that he sometimes wore, it was basically just sitting on his chair and decided to wear it today. He was glad that he did other wise Y/n would just be freezing next to him. "Watch it" Robin whispered to Bruce with a side-eyed glare, Bruce chuckled as leaned down in the seat comfortably.

More into the movie Robin was smirking as Finney and Y/n shook. Normally Y/n didn't have a problem with watching horror movies but this one just had murder and gore all over it. "Um... are you okay" Bruce asked in a hush whisper to Y/n, she shook her head in response with her hands wrapped around herself. Practically shaking in the light grey jacket.

"C'mere" Bruce as he held his arm slightly open, "what if Robin sees" Y/n asked as she leaned into his arm. "I'll make some excuse now Y/n, we haven't been like this sense last weekend" Bruce lightly pouted. "For good reason..he almost found out" Y/n whispered to Bruce "Why do we even have to keep it a secret" Bruce asked as he looked down at her as her eyes were on the horror movie.

"Probably because Robin would immediately tell our ma" Y/n replied as she looked up at him. Bruce groaned quietly before leaning his head ontop of hers.

"One day Bruce" Y/n said quietly as she traced shapes into his arm that was around her. Bruce nodded as they continued to watch the movie. Sooner or later she fell asleep in his arms.

She tried to stay up but her eye lids wouldn't allow it, she finally gave in and rested herself more into Bruce, he smiled at this holding her more closely.

When the movie was done Finney immediately sighed. "You guys can—wait did she fall asleep" Robin asked as he got up. Bruce nodded as his arms loosened around her but her sleep state held onto him. "I wouldn't let go of her, last time I did that to her and she hit me" Robin warned only for Bruce to nod.

"N don't worry I won't tell my ma.. on one condition" Robin said as if he heard the quiet conversation between the teenage couple "what's the one condition" Bruce asked quietly not wanting to wake up Y/n. Though it would take more than that to wake her up.

"You pay me $5" Robin said with his hand out and with a smirk. "Fine" Bruce groaned as he pulled out his money from his back pocket. Getting $5 and handing it to Robin.

"Thanks Bruce" Robin said with a smile "now you can take her to her room, stay with her if you want me and Finn are gonna go play" Robin said with a smirk, grabbing Finney's hand to go to his room.

Bruce picked her up before putting his money up. "C'm on" Bruce said to himself as he walked to her room, setting her on the bed she clung onto him.

He lied next to her, tracing his hand on her cheek. Swiping her hair away to see her full face, along with her moving closer and farther from time to time.

She soon woke up with a gasp as she saw her boyfriend in the same bed as her. "Bruce—you have to get out before Robin sees" Y/n said freaking out still half asleep. "N/n calm down he knows and he's not going to tell now let's go to sleep" Bruce mumbled as he put the blankets over them.

"Are you sure he's not going to tell" Y/n asked into his chest, her words coming in slurs. "Mhm, i'm sure I paid him" Bruce reassured her. "Mkay" Y/n whispered before fully falling asleep.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now