How Bruce Yamada is when he likes you!!

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-He looks for you at his games(he'll ask people If their going and he'll eventually ask you), gets upset when you aren't there(onetime got a few strikes because he wa searching for you, his sister huged him when he lost the game but he was still looking for you)
-Offers to walk you to your classes, "hi- the hallways are crazy yeah?... Would you mind if I walked you to your class" Bruce asks "I wouldn't mind but my class is all the way upstairs- and towards the back" you say "it's fine with me" Bruce replied with a smile "won't you be late?" you ask "like I said it's fine with me now let walk" Bruce says with a smile
-Talks about you to Vance,"you see them next period so calm it" Vance says sharply to Bruce" I can't wait" Bruce whispers
-A lot of girls attempt to get his attention(he talks to them) but he doesn't exactly show interest in them he's just really nice and they take it the wrong way
-You catch him staring at you during classes or whenever your walking in the hallways with your friend
-When he heard you like game he'll volunteer to go to the arcade whenever Vance asks him to
-Whenever you go to his games he tries his hardest to get his team to win, a couple times he's won and as he laughed with his sister and family he stared at you with a huge smile

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