𝙏𝙪𝙩𝙤𝙧(Finney Blake

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Y/n and Robin groaned as the teacher handed them the grade sheet, it was the middle of the school year and they both knew that their grades weren't gonna be good.

"What did you get for Math"Robin asked as he looked at his grades. "I got a 79" Y/n groaned as she slouched in her seat "what did you get" Y/n asked as she turned her head to him "I got a 73" Robin answered as they both folded their paper. "I got good grades in everything els besides math" Y/n said as she put her folded paper in her backpack "maybe we can ask Fin if he can tutor us" Robin suggested as he put his folded paper in his back pocket of his jeans.

"Fin" Y/n questioned, 'who's Fin?' She thought. "Finney Blake" Robin said as he looked at her "oh Finney the boy with the nice hair" Y/n smiled as she talked "you like his hair" Robin asked with a smirk "I love his hair" Y/n said as Robin chuckled "you like him" Robin wondered "maybe" Y/n smiled while she shrugged as she started to pack up as they only had seven more minutes of class.


"So you both need tutoring" Finney asked earning a nod from Robin and Y/n.
"Are you free after school" Robin asked Finney, "yeah we can go to my place" Finney answered.


As they say on the floor of Finney's floor he couldn't help but stare at her.
"Why do you need tutoring, your pretty smart" Finney asked as he looked at Y/n who held a pencil "my teacher doesn't really explain it she just writes it down and tells us the answer also Robin mentioned you could help so" Y/n said as she shrugged.

Robin could easily tell that Finney was staring at Y/n instead of looking down at the paper. "You like her" Robin whispered to Finney causing him to flush a light shade of red "w-what" Finney asked as he looked at Robin, Robin rolled his eyes before talking louder.

"Y/n likes you, do you like her-" Robin said as he got kicked by Y/n who sat in-front of the two boys "Robin" Y/n said loudly "what's it's the truth" Robin replied before turning his head to Finney "do you like her" Robin questioned, Finney quickly nodded "words Fin, the girl wants to hear words" Robin said causing Finney to cover his face.

"Yes I like her" Finney said as his words were muffled from his hands "take your hands awa-" Robin quickly got cut off by Y/n "Robin leave him alone, h-he already said he liked me" Y/n said as she slightly blushed as she looked at Finney.

"My job here is done" Robin said as he smirked while getting off of the ground
"Bye love birds" Robin said as he picked up his bag and work before leaving Finney's room and house. 

Finney sighed as he took his hands away from his face, he looked at her and moved closer. "You like me" Finney asked as he sat directly in-front of her, legs touching. "Yeah" Y/n said in a quiet voice as she cringed from how weird she sounded but he didn't mind, he thought her voice was angelic.

As he grabbed her hand he leaned in, just as he pressed his lips against her lips the sound of the door opening caused them both to pull away immediately.

"Oh my god, Robin was right" Gwen squealed as she looked at them excitedly. Finney groaned as he squeezed Y/n's hand.

"Gwen" Finney groaned once again "please leave" Finney looked up at as she happily smiled before closing the door .

"Sorry about her" Finney said as he looked at Y/n "it's fine Fin" Y/n shrugged with a smile.

"C-Can I kiss you" Finney asked as he blushed, Y/n nodded before he kissed her once again.

"Finney" Gwen knocked on the door, "Gwen" Finney groaned as he stood up to open the door. "Robin called and said that if you can actually tutor him and Y/n tomorrow" Gwen said as she leaned on the door frame "yeah sure I can" Finney said as he closed the door while she walked away to the phone.

"Come here" Finney said as Y/n stands up, he slowly wraps his arms around her waist "I would love to kiss you but I already know the second I do Gwen will interrupt so wanna just lay down" Finney asked as he leads her to the bed. "Sound fine to me Fin" Y/n smiled at him as they both laid down in each others arms.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now