Not just a friend(𝘽𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙚 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙖

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They had to hide their relationship to her family and his, they both knew if they told his family they would talk about it 24/7 and it doesn't help that their parents are best friends.

Their parents had been best friend for years, but they weren't. Bruce and Y/n, it took them a while to become best friends, at first Y/n refused to even talk to him but he tried his best to. When they were 10-13 he stopped trying to talk to her, so whenever she would come over and hang out in his room she would sleep in the very conner in the room as he played with his baseball cards or did whatever he wanted.

They didn't start being friend till they were 14. They had just entered high school and the only people they really knew were each other so they started talking, it turned into hanging both every weekend, into everyday, and the into dating, and finally trying to spend every hour, minute, and second while hiding the fact that they were dating. But her parents were strict about dating, when they heard she had a crush on some boy from school they limited her from seeing or hanging out with anyone well besides Bruce.

"Bruce" Y/n smiled as she entered his home, it was Friday that meant that her parents would go to Bruce's house and hang out until they felt like leaving. "Y/n" Bruce returned the 'friendly' smile and they did their little handshake. "Ma is it okay if me and Y/n hang out in my room" Bruce asked his mom, his mom nodded.

They practically sprinted to his room giggling.

The second they entered his room he kissed her, but she pulled away laughing. "Lock the door idiot" Y/n said to Bruce causing him to hold his heart area and pretend to trip before locking the door.

"Can't believe that you'd treat me like this" Bruce said as he dragged her to his bed. Y/n laughed at him before laying down on the bed next to him. "I think you should make it up to me" Bruce muttered "make it up to you" Y/n asked with a small smile "yeah, for hurting poor little Brucey's feelings" Bruce said with a smile.

Y/n sighed with a slight giggle from his actions, "how would you like me to make it up to you Brucey" Y/n asked using the nickname Bruce gave himself. "Kisses" Bruce asked even though he really wasn't asking. "I don't see why not" Y/n whispered before Bruce immediately kissed her lips.

It was a medium pace, his hands made there way to her torso as they kissed as hers made its way to the back of his neck.

One of her hands crawling up to the back of his head, gently twisting his hair as they kissed. Her lipgloss making its way to his wet lips, smearing on the outline of her lips.

"Kids" one of Bruce's parents yelled. "Damn it" Bruce cursed as he pulled away from the kiss "we can never get alone time" Bruce pouted as Y/n giggled. "We will if I spend the night" Y/n told him as she stands up "that's if my parents don't hog you" Bruce frowned as they made their way to his door before he unlocked it.


"Thank you for the Food Mrs. Yamada" Y/n smiled to Bruce's parents before eating the food.

"Bruce" his mom scolded "what" Bruce asked as he held the fork that had food on it. "What's all over your lips" his dad asked as he pointed to the clear sticky lipgloss that made its way to his lips from the kiss.

"Uh-" Bruce immediately wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "Y/n" her mom asked as she quietly ate. "Mhm" Y/n hummed as she chewed her food. "What did you and Bruce do in his room" her mom asked. "Nothing happened" the couple squeaked at the same time. "We're just friends" Y/n spoke even though the two teenagers knew it was a lie.

"Seems like you two are not just friends" his mom spoke.

"Fine— we're dating.... We've been dating for a month now" Bruce told his parents and hers. Y/n's face flushed as he spoke, when he was done they both looked at each other hoping that he had said the right thing to the adults.

"Finally" the two moms said. "Finally" the couple asked "we've seen you two eyeing each other for years" her mom spoke.


"That was—- something" Bruce muttered as the couple laid down on his bed. "Yup" Y/n whispered as she got comfortable on his bed, "tired" Bruce asked as he grabbed her arm and put it around him. "Most definitely Brucey" Y/n smiled at him as he kissed her cheek, he pulled back before speaking "let's sleep then" Bruce said as they both closed their eyes, falling asleep on his bed.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now