𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚(Robin Arellano

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Short story, sorry!!!

"You dated him" her little sister asked as she pointed to the teenager with long hair that had a grey bandanna at the top of his head. "Yeah—why'd you ask it like it's a bad thing" Y/n asked her little sister as she held her hand.

"He's so mean, like last week he beat up a kid before school started" her little sister said with loudness making her laugh.

"I'm sure 'Rob had a good reason" Y/n mumbled with a toothy smile "and you have a nickname for him great" her little sister said with frustration. Y/n giggled as she turned to head to Robin. Him looking at her with a smile

"Oh no—Y/n he's going to murder us" her little sister whispered as she tugged on her pants gently. "Rob c'mere" Y/n said as her little sister started to freak out.

"What is it bonita" Robin asked making her blush. Y/n's little sister gasped "you guys aren't still dating" her little sister asked as the two teens blushed as they stared at each other.

"No just friends" Y/n answered as Robin nodded. "Doesn't mean we can't be friends though" Robin smiled at her.

"Well bye Rob" Y/n waves to him "see you later" Robin whispers as she walks away with her little sister in hand already asking all types of questions.


"Was he mean to you when y'all dated" her little sister asked "no—he was nice to me" Y/n smiles "really.. like never" her little sister asked "yes YaYa he was never mean to me now it's time for you to sleep" Y/n said as she picked her little sister up.

"Please tell me more tomorrow" YaYa begged as she clinged onto her sweater "of course i'll answer anything but only tomorrow"Y/n whispered as she placed her on her bed.

"Night love you"  Y/n mumbled as she kissed her little sisters four head.  "Goodnight.. Love you too" YaYa whispered before falling asleep only you awaken by a loud thump.

"What is it" YaYa asked already freaking out "mom probably came home and tripped again just go to sleep YaYa" Y/n mumbled as she stood up.

Y/n walked out of her little sisters room, but not before turning on her night lights. Y/n went to where the thump was, her room.

"Hi" Robin waved as she looked at him. "could be more quiet you know... almost made YaYa come check it out" Y/n mumbled as Robin pulled her close.

"Can I ask you something" Robin asked "already did... but sure" Y/n smiled at him "why can't we go public" Robin asked as he put his hands around her waist "don't really know... just been waiting for you to be ready" Y/n responds.

"So... wanna go public" Robin asked with a small smile. "Would love to" Y/n whispered as he leaned in. Pressing his lips on hers. Finally kissing her once more.

The moment she put her hands behind his head they heard a loud gasp.

"YaYa" Y/n groaned as she turned around to her little sister "you guys are dating" YaYa said "yup" Y/n nodded as she picked her up. "Now—you can ask all about it tomorrow but get some sleep m'kay" Y/n asked as she walked to her little sisters room.

"night.. love you" Y/n whispered before tucking her sister to bed. "good night love you too Y/n" YaYa whispered before her sister left her room.

"Sleep" Y/n asked as she sat next to Robin. "Yup.. let's get some sleep" Robin mumbled before taking off his shoes.

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now