𝙒𝙝𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪?(Vance Hopper

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short story!

After Vance went to court they made him go to therapy, saying that he needed help with his "anger issues". "Anger issues my ass" Vance muttered as he looked at the ceiling, he laid down on Y/ns bed. "I know it sucks Vance but you have to go in like an hour" Y/n said as she sat down next to him "I know" Vance said before groaning "can you walk with me" Vance asked.

"That place is like 20 minutes away" Y/n groaned "it's not like you haven't walked farther" Vance reasoned.

"I can't believe i'm doing this" Y/n groaned as she walked with him "thanks" Vance smirked to himself. He always got his way with her. He had some type of curse over her that made her want to take care of him and do stuff with him, be with him.


"Vance Hopper is it" a burnet, middle aged lady asked him "yeah" Vance said as he looked her up and down, judging her clothes. He found her sleeves to frilly and her jeans ugly, her ankles showing making him want to stab his eye balls out. "so—tell me Vance, have you always had a problem with your anger" she asked "no, i've never had a problem with my anger hag" Vance responded.

"Clearly you do, and my name is Lori" Lori said with a smile, trying not to loose her patience she had with the blond teenager. "Doesn't matter to me" Vance shrugged as he crossed his arms, slouching in the uncomfortable chair. "How is your home life Vance" Lori asked "it's fine" Vance said. He was lying but it's not that he would care to talk about it with her. He'd rather talk about it to Y/n, she was more easy to talk to.

"Why don't you tell me what happened at the Grab 'N Go" Lori suggested "you already know what happened" Vance snapped at her "I want to hear it from you" Lori said. "Other kids were scared" Lori said making Vance's jaw clench.

When he thought when she said "kids" he thought of Y/n—sure she wasn't a kid as she was a teenager. But the look on Y/n's face when the other kid took out his knife made her heart race and her eyes widen. She was scared, she didn't mind fighting but the knife? She wasn't all for it.

"You seem affected by that" Lori said with a smile "i'm not" Vance snapped rather quickly. "Are you sure—was their anyone important at the fight" Lori asked trying to pry more out of Vance. "No one" Vance muttered as he looked down. Like hell he would tell this old hag anything. "It doesn't seem like no one" Lori said.

After an hour or so the time of his session was up.


"Y/n" Vance complained as he sat down on her bed. She had a book in her hand, flipping pages when she needed to. "Are you serious—I just came back from an hour of torture and this is what I get" Vance groaned as he pulled the book out of her hands.

"So—what did she ask" Y/n asked "so many stuff, she was full of questions" Vance spat out with a frown "shit like, oh who takes of you? why do you act this way" Vance said in a some-what high pitched voice for when he spoke for Lori.

"She's a stupid bitch" Vance said as he sighed "Did you answer her questions" Y/n asked "no—though I know the answer to her questions" Vance admitted "what was the answer" Y/n asked "you take care of me" Vance mumbled "aw— really you think so" Y/n asked with a smirk "sometimes" Vance said lying through his lips, she did take care of him, she still does take of him. She has been for the moment she locked eyes with him.

"I take care of you pookie" Y/n asked with a open mouthed smile as she spoke "I hate you" Vance mumbled as he moved his eyes "I love you too" Y/n replied before kissing his cheek making him gag in "disgust".

𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now