𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗲𝘀𝘆(Bruce Yamada

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Walking up to Bruce the small light purple spot become more visible to see. He had a small bruise on his body, seeing his Y/n rushed to him.

"Bruce what happened" she asked as she grabbed his hand gently, examining his body for anymore bruises "I'm fine
Y/n, I just got hit by a ball while playing with my friends" Bruce grabbed her shoulders as he spoke.

Groaning her grip on his hand tightens, "It doesn't look like nothing.. come with me so I can put ice on it" Y/n says "You don't have to help but if you insist" Bruce shrugs before walking with his girlfriend.


After making it home she pulled out all of the supplies she needed to clean him up.

"Wanna tell me how this actually happened Bruce?" she asks not believing that he just fell. "I don't want to sound to dramatic but I got attacked" Bruce said as she kept ice on his bruises "Attacked.. by who" she asks with wide eyes.

"Just some people" Bruce responds as he looks down, Y/n didn't reply after this.

"I don't know why they did it.. am I annoying or weird" Bruce asks as his voice cracks, "No—your not annoying or weird at all Bruce your perfect some people are just assholes" Y/n mumbled as she hugs him close.

Hearing this he starts to blush as she pulls away from the hug "Let's go to my room so we can take your mind off things.. yeah" Y/n asked as she smiled at him.

Nodding she lead him to her bedroom. Letting him make the first move to lie down before lying down next to him "this is really nice" Bruce whispers "mhm" Y/n nods as she shuts her eyes.

"How was your day" Bruce asks trying to start a small conversation "my day has been pretty boring, how was your day" Y/n asks as she traces small shapes on the side of his torso "it's good.. you make me so happy" Bruce blushes as he strokes her head gently "When i'm with you.. everything is so amazing... your a great person" Bruce said smiling.

Y/n giggles from his response "your so cheesy Bruce". "Yes i'm cheesy but I don't think you mind do you" Bruce asks as she looks up at him before looking back down. "no.. I don't really mind" Y/n replied as she looked down.

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