Kingdom of dwargon

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Rimuru pov

After we left the village in 8 hours we arrive at dwargon kingdom . After evolving ranga and other wolves have become very fast otherwise it would have taken few days to reach here . Well I can teleport but I want to enjoy the journey .

" Well then me and gobta will go to dwargon others wait in the forest "

" But rimuru sama you will go alone please take some of us with us " rigur said

" Yes master " ranga said

" Ok ranga you will come but stay in my shadow
   let's go then "

After we come near entrance gate, there was big line so we waited their for sometime then we enter dwargon . Dwargon nation is  like a natural foretess protected by mountains . It is a military nation still people doesn't look like oppressed and they are very lively . This shows that king of this nation is a great ruler . Then we hear some soldiers talking to their senior in concerned tone .

" What happen is everything alright "

" Oh an armoursarus appeared in the mine and injured some people working their ." Captain said

" If you don't mind I can help you I Know healing magic " I said

" Really you can then it will be great help " their captain said

" Can we trust him " one of soldier said

" We have no choice nor do we have time let's hurry we must save them "
captain said

When we go their armoursarus was defeated by dwargon army and I healed all the injured people .Their were very surprised that I healed them that fast .

" Thank you for saving them " captain said

" No it's nothing I just did what I can " I said

" My name is kaido if there is anything I can do to repay you feel free to ask " he said

" I am rimuru tempest I came here to recruit some proficient Craftsmen for my village can you help me ."

" Yes I know some I will introduce you later we can go their tomorrow " kaido said

next day kaido guided us through city to what appeared to be blacksmiths district . We finally arrived at a workshop .

" This is my brother's workshop he will help you " kaido said

I go inside and see a short man with well built body working on some swords .

" Hello I am looking for some blacksmiths "

" Sorry but I can't help you right now a minister gave me order of 10 magic long swords I am very busy . " He said

" Then if I  help you with it will you work for me "

" Hmm can you really help me if you can then I will work for you "

>> Ciel duplicate 10 of the swords <<
<< Ok master done>>

I presented him 10 magic swords and also give him magisteel.

" Now will you work for me if you work then you will get more of these "I said pointing towards magisteel

" Yes I will my name is kaijin "he said

" My name is rimuru tempest "

Others Craftsmen also came who I have saved yesterday and they also decided to work for me . We then go to night butterfly to celebrate .

After sometime a person came and started talking to kaijin .

" Hmph did you finish my order for 10 long Magc sword " he asked

" Yes I already delivered all of them " kaijin said

" I knew it you can't do I wait what how did you manage to finish it . " He exclaimed at kaijin

He then look at me and gobta and started insulting us . Then kaijin punched him

" You can insult me but don't you dare to insult my guests " kaijin said

Few moments later guards arrested us then they brought us to trail then their king gazel dwargon came .

" Everyone bowdown to the hero king Hazel " a guard shouted

Then trail begin Vesta threw a bunch of accusation against us and I then show them evidence to prove that we are innocent which was a magical ball recorded by me ( ciel ) . After that king gazel made his verdict judging us innocent . When we were leaving dwargon some more Craftsmen (20) came they were impressed by magic swords made by me so they wanted to work for me . After that we teleported back to tempest since it would save time and others were very tired .

[ A/N : thank you for your support guys hope you like it😀 I didn't right king gazel in detail since it will take too much time and I want reach interesting part of story fast . Next chapter will be on wed or Thursday ]

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