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Falmuth army camp

" Thank you Fritz dono and garde dono for your assistance in this mission . " King edmaris said to two young man in front of him .

One  " saint of wind " Fritz with white hair of ten great saints and other one is " Saint of fire " garde .

They both are called here to support falmuth army against the monster nation with 20 crusaders members .

" Are all preparation complete ?" Garde asked. 

" Yes . Templar knights will deploy barrier around monsters which will weaken them and folgen dono with knight order will attack them . After few days we will reach their and eradicate all remaining monsters . " Fritz explained their plans to all people present their. 

' now we will reclaim our economical dominance . We will destroy those monsters and take over all of their products . Hehe . ' king smiled to himself unaware of the upcoming danger. 

Jura forest

" What a waste we were enjoying our free now we will have to deal with these monsters . ?" Kirara said

" Hey don't go lazy . Do you work properly . " Razen said to otherworlders. 

Three otherworlders kirara , kyoya and shogo enter the rimuru city . They all were mesmerized by beauty of the city .

" What kind of joke is this , these monsters are living better life than us ?" Kirara said

" Yeah now my desire to kill them have increased . "

" Right now my fists are itching to go on a rampage . " Shogo smiled wickedly .

" I understand your feelings but let kirara do her work first . " Kyoya controlled him .

Kirara them accused gobuzo that he molested her but gobta and other goblin riders supported him . When people around them also didn't trust her . She used her ability .

" Why don't you all better < die> " she used her unique skill bewilder but it didn't work .

" We can't let you do that ." Shuna entered with shion , hakurou and few soldiers . This was just a bait to lure them in . All the people present there are illusion or tempest soldiers . When Invaders realised that they were fooled by monsters they loses their cool . Kyoya attacked shuna which was stopped by hakurou while shogo fought shion .

" Oh you want to fight me ." Shogo said arrogantly . Get near her and punched her .

Shion braces from attack and take out her sword

< Ogre - sword guillotine > she coated it with her aura boasting it defensive and offensive power. 

She attacked him and he doughed it but was thrown away by the impact of sword hitting the ground .

" You are strong then I will take you seriously . "

< Berserker >

Using his unique skill , shogo launched series of punches on shion . She was barely able to dough the attacks taking some in process she was blown away to a building .

She attacked him with sword but it was not affecting him much.

" Hehe , what happened ! You can't fight me now . " He continued attacking her .

Due to subskill of < berserker> < diamond body > . Shogo's durability have increased significantly.

' looks like he now have physical attack resistance . ' shion figured it out . She is not worried about this because , she have fought people who have physical attack nullification . 

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