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Ingrassia , freedom association hq

Yuuki and testarossa are sitting on the couch facing each other.  There are also kagali who is serving some tea, laplace and moss. They have meet to share Intel's regarding different matters. 

" You have impressed us.  To be able to fool a man of damrada's caliber.  " Testarossa say . Since she used to reside near empire in past . She is aware of powerful beings in empire and damrada is one of highly appreciated beings their. 

" Well, it is my work . Rimuru san has entrusted this to me, but still I can't believe damrada tricked . He didn't told us that he is  not only an eastern empire near guards but also a emperor's special acquittances . He tricked us first , it's just a payback.  "

" Yeah , that bastard.  It was empire who manipulated by clayman right. I bet he was also involved in it.  If I get a chance , I'll beat the shit out of that bastard !" Laplace was angry ever since he heard about the real identity of damrada.  He also tried to attack him before but was stopped by yuuki. 

" Don't try anything like that! Even though he appear as a normal merchant, he is saint with 1000 years of experience.  I doubt any of you can beat him as of now.  " Testarossa express her thoughts. 

" We were able to trick him is good enough for now.  When time comes we will even get our hands on him and eastern empire as whole. "

" You are right, testarossa San.  He didn't know I am collaborating with rimuru san.  He still thinks we are enemies .
From enemies , I remembered . How does it goes with Western church ,?" Yuuki asks to her. 

" We made peace with them.  They signed non aggression treaty with us.  So one nuisance is gone now it's just western council left.  Though we have already taken control of some of it's members.  What are update on Rossos ?"  testarossa asks

" After their plans failed this time, they are trying to lay low for time being.  But I think they are trying to accumulate more strength to challenge rimuru san . They won't just sit and watch their position being taken over . They will surely try to make a commotion in near future.  " Yuuki gave her the report. 

Tear and footman are spying on Rossos.  With their brillant espionage skills , they are able to provide helpful informations about the members of Western council associated with Rossos.  Testarossa has used these informations to convince (blackmail ) them to become their pawns. 

" Good. Oh I forget ! Moss!" Testarossa signalled him .
Moss took out an invitation letter and pass it to kagali. 

" This . Rimuru sama is holding a founding festival in Tempest to make his public appearance as demon lord and shows good side of tempest to the world.  You are also invited. 
He have also some work for you . !"

" Work ?! "

" Yeah , he plans to open a labyrinth in order to attract adventurers . He would like freedom association to manage them -"
They can utilize the identity of adventurers to manage the challengers.  Tempest could also issue the permission to enter the labyrinth, but that would take a lot of extra work.  Rimuru wants to lower the budget as much as possible and borrow the labor of the freedom association. 

" There's also benefits for freedom association . "

" Umm?"

" Due to rimuru sama's rule , the monsters in the jura forest has been under control.  With that being the case -"

" I see , so you are saying that there will be less work for monster extermination ?"

" Surely the guild would gain profit through it ?"
They could gain materials by exterminating monster . Adventurers could sell the materials as reward. 
Tempest would hand over the part of management of labyrinth to the free guild and tax them for it.  In this way, even if adventurer lost their job in the future, they could also find new employees . This project would provide multiple benefits. 

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