King gazel and jura tempest federation 2

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Rimuru pov

Kankuro told us all about incident .

" So where are those humans ?" I asked him

" Please follow me rimuru sama." He said

We all followed him to a room . We saw 4 young teenage humans 2 boys and 2 girls .

They are ones who attacked us . They are quite strong and have magicules .

<< They are otherworlders master . >>

I see

" Wake them up . " I said

" Hai . "

Then they wake up .

" Where are we? Who are you all " They asked

" I am rimuru leader of this village . So how are you all and why did you attacked us ? "

" I am Akira and they are taichi ,naoki and Ren . " A girl with long black hair said .

" We were told by boss to eliminate some monsters in this forest . But we didn't know their are humans living here also . please forgive us . " Taichi said

" Will you mind telling me about your boss ? "

" Yes , he is also from otherworlder like us.  He looks like same ages as us but he is here for almost decade now . We didn't know about his name . We all call him boss only . "

Then they told us about how they were summoned by different nation's but they boss interfere and take them all under him . Their are many summoned individual under him .

" Please don't kill us . Please forgive us we will serve you if you want . "

" Rimuru sama please give them one chance . " Hakurou said

" Hai rimuru sama they may have attacked us but no one is hurt and they were deceive by that clown . They are only pawns. " Charys said

" Rimuru san  forgive them just this once . I will make sure they walk in right path . " Shizue said. She may have understand their situation . well it wouldn't harm much they are not that threat for us.

" Ok   ok but just this once if they cause any trouble i will punish them .
So you all will work for me from now on . "

" Thank you we will work hard to repay your kindness . "

After that I send Akira and others to train under hakurou . He was really impressed with them.

Gabiru also came to our village with his 500 mens . I named them all and send them to veldora cave to plant hippokute herbs for potions . I appointed souka and her 20 dragonewts under souei command . With the help of high orcs contraction of our village increased drastically .

King gazel pov

I was in my throne when herietta came to inform something.

" My Lord that mysterious being rimuru and his men has defeated orc lord and taken all the orcs under him ."

" He defeated orc lord ? "

" Yes but that's not all . Orcs under him evolve to high orcs . Their are multiple powerful majins serving him . Some are even comparable to arch demons . "

" Ok you may leave now. "

' orc lord defeat I kind of expected afterall my hero haki didn't affected him at all . But so many powerful majins serving him . If this matter is not taken careful this nation might collapse . What are you rimuru ? He wanted to coexist with humans we may talk this out . '

" Dorf prepare Pegasus knights we are going to see that monster town . "

" But you don't have to go yourself my Lord. "

" No I will go this is very important for this nation . "
" Ok . "

Rimuru pov

I was training with shizue like usual when I noticed someone coming towards us .

<< King gazel of dwargon with some knights are coming . >>

>> I know ciel you don't have to say all the things . <<

<< Master I wanted to say so I did it beside you are not spending time with me much lately.  I allowed you to be with shizue you better remember that hmm. >>

>> Sorry sorry I will spend more time with you but don't do anything which will make shizue disappointed on me<<

<< Ok I  won't but don't forget your promise . >>

When ciel is angry she is most dangerous being . Even I don't want to be on receiving end of her anger.

So king gazel. It didn't seem like he is hostile towards us . I intentionally allowed his spies to see our strength so he won't mess with us .

" Rimuru sama some people are coming towards us . " Benimaru came running

" Ya don't worry let's go to meet them."

Then we went were they arrived .

" Long time no see king gazel . Hope you are doing well . " Kaijin kneeled down before him .

" Oh kaijin you are all looking well . "

" Thank you for your kind words king gazel . "

He turned towards me

" Hello rimuru tempest ruler of monsters . "

" Hello king gazel . "
We both greeted each other.

" So what are your purpose coming here . "

" Well I came here to see  myself if you are threat or not . "

" So how will you judge me ? "

" How about a sword duel if that sword is not for show . "

" Ok "

We both duel with each other. Well it was not a duel I tanked all his attacks and defeated him in single strike .

" Winner rimuru sama . " Treyni said . she was one judge of this duel .

" Now are you able to judge me . "

" Yes beside dryads are also supporting you means you are not evil . "

After that we all went to our meeting room and started discussing about both of ours future relations .

" Rimuru would you like to form an alliance with me ? " Gazel asked

" An alliance . Are you sure about it . It will mean you are accepting us gathering of monsters as a nation do you king gazel? "

" Yes of course you are not evil monsters  beside dwargon already allow goblins and other races to do trade . We have no problem so do you accept it . "

"Yes we will accept your proposal king gazel . "

" So what is the name of your nation"

" Jura tempest federation. "

" Great. Then from now on dwargon and jura tempest federation are allied nations . "

" We will discuss about other things in detail after dinner . "

[ Sorry about delay in 4- 5 hrs I will also publish next chapter demon lord arrival . ]

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