Blooming of love

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Shizue pov

I have been living here in goblin village for almost 3 weeks . All the people here are very nice to me . Even though they are monsters of different races they live peaceful and that's all because of rimuru san . He is really amazing he is strong , kind and caring . But for last few days whenever I am with him , I became really nervous . It's really is strange I have never felt anything like this before.

" Lady shizue you have been acting strange for some days . " Haruna asked to me

" When she is in presence of rimuru sama especially . " One goblina said

" Ya , I became nervous and shy around rimuru san. I haven't felt like this before . "

" Hmm... Is it love ? " Haruna said

" Keke does lady shizue have fallen in love with rimuru sama ." One of goblinas said giggling

" Lady shizue your face has become completely red . " Haruna said teasing me

" St..stop it haruna San . "

" Hehe lady shizue you can be honest with us . "

They kept teasing me for sometime .

' love . Is it really .  I love rimuru san ? . I admire him but is it that love . I can't understand it . '

Few days after

I have been with some goblinas in my house teaching them about sewing and other things which I learned during my journey . Then rimuru san came to visit me.

" Good morning shizue San . " He said and all the goblinas greeted him .

" Go .. good morning rimuru san . " I said nervously . No no I still nervous . I have to act probably .

" Are you alright shizue San . " He said concerned .

" I .. i' m ok rimuru san. " I said my face has become really red .

" " Are you really ok shizue San your face has become really red . Do you have any fever . " He asked and put his hand on my forehead to check . But I unintentionally back off a little .

" Y...yes of course ." I said somewhat embarrassed

" Oh ok if you say so . "

" Why did you come here . Do you have any work here . ? "

" Can't I come here . " He said

" No no of course you can come . You are ruler of this village . "

" Just joking . I came here to check you . If you are ok I will go now . "

" Ok . "

After rimuru san left I sighed a relief .

" Lady shizue you really like rimuru sama . " Haruna asked

" No it's not like that . "

" Hehe you have to be honest with your feeling lady shizue . "

It's been few days since I last seen rimuru san . I have been trying to avoid him until I can clear out my own feelings .

" Hehe lady shizue your face is completely red are you thinking about rimuru sama . "  Haruna teased

" Hehe just say your feeling already lady shizue you don't want to wait for long time  do you . " A goblina said

" You want to walk side by with rimuru sama as his lover don't you . " Another goblina said

' walking by rimuru san' side holding his hands . I really want to do that . '

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