The shining hero

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Honjou Masayuki—is a Chosen Hero.

Although Masayuki had never once proclaimed himself a Hero, for some odd reason, people he encountered just started referring to him as such. It hasn't even been a year since he first appeared in this world, just out of the blue, yet the name Masayuki was now renowned throughout the Western Nations. He's become a celebrity known to all.

Masayuki was on his way home from school with several friends, when suddenly, he laid eyes on an unbelievable sight, a nordic maiden with lustrous blue hair and skin fairer than that of any model or celebrity. Even from afar, the vibrant hues of her hair still managed to catch his eye. Masayuki had never once laid his eyes on such a beauty, one who could make everyone she passed by do a double-take.

Masayuki called out to his friends with the frankness of any male high schooler. But—there was no response. Hmm, Masayuki thought to himself as he turned around—only to find himself in front of the scenery of an unfamiliar street.


His mind couldn't help but go blank as he froze at the spot.

After walking for a few minutes, Masayuki successfully made his way to the town's banquet hall. He had no other reason to come here other than the enticement of food.

Mustering his resolve, Masayuki made to push open the door.

Before he could do that, however, the door was suddenly pushed open from the inside. Masayuki's ears were assaulted by the din of numerous chattering voices from the inside of the store.


Startled, he took a step back. He felt a soft sensation in his chest. The person coming out was a cute, petite lady, but her expression was a bit timid.

Eh? Don't tell me I've got caught up in some trouble...?

No way, Masayuki thought. But his prediction unfortunately came true.


The woman in front of him blurted out a bunch of words that sounded like complete gibberish to him. However, despite his complete ignorance, Masayuki flashed a warm, caring smile and nodded in response. Upon seeing Masayuki's expression, the woman quickly regained her composure. Her cheeks were flushed bright red as she stared at masayuki.

A fierce-looking man barreled his way out. His target: the woman asking for Masayuki's help.

Agh, if I slip up, I might just be a goner...

The man's face was dyed a crimson red as if he were drunk. He was also armed, a longsword strapped about his waist.

Masayuki had no hope of winning in a fair fight in the first place, to say nothing of his chances with a weapons disadvantage. Even if he somehow managed to avoid screwing up, there was still a high probability that his opponent would end up killing him regardless.

Masayuki wanted to run away, but the woman clung onto his chest tightly.

His smile was frozen on his face, and he couldn't quite keep his feet from shaking. Masayuki wanted to praise himself for not pissing his pants on the spot.

However, it was at this point that an inconceivable voice rang in his ears.

«Courageous act of heroism has been conducted... Unique Skill 'Chosen One' acquired. Would you like to activate it? YES/NO»

Ummm, I guess?

«Confirmed. Under the effects of 'Chosen One,' language mastery...successful. Subsequently, 'Heroic Spirit' and 'Heroic Coercion' have been activated.»

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