Saint monster collide - 1

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A meeting is being held in Tempest to discuss about matters related to falmuth and western holy church.  Rimuru and his top executives are attending it.
diablo get up from his sit and speaks first .
" Rimuru sama , I have something to report regarding archbishop.  "
Rimuru nodded. 

" Actually , after archbishop reyheim was called earlier . He has been murdered in holy church ruberious . "

" What !? Who killed him ?"

" It's still unknown but I am investigating it . "

" Reyheim being killed now when you are planning to throne youm as new king of falmuth . Whoever it is , they must have killed him to put blame on you , making you an evil being responsible for archbishop death.  Holy church will not ignore this , they will definitely interfere . Even if you defeat them , it won't solve the issue . It will just make the notion about you correct . "

" Yes , you are right rimuru sama.  Rumors about evil demon sent by demon lord to disturb western nation is spreading across west . From our connections we got information that Rossos are involved in this incident . They must have people inns western church . " Testarossa reported information she have on this matter .
" I will help diablo to find the real culprits. "

" No need.  I will find them myself and grant suitable punishment for their actions. Trying to pin blame on rimuru sama , it's unforgivable . They deserve punishment worse than death.  " Diablo said with bloodlust in his eyes releasing his demon lord haki .

" Ok don't over do it and make sure to not leave bad impression of either youm and us .
If holy church intervene , it will be too much for youm's merchenaries to handle it . Benimaru send kurenai and gabiru's third Corp to assist him ."

" Should I also send gobta and goblin riders ?"

" No he is still exhausted let him take some rest . "

" Rimuru sama , you are too soft on him . Ok I will order gabiru and kurenai to move instantly . "

" Ranga , you also go and help them . " Ranga poke out his head from rimuru's shadow and nodded .

" You may also leave now diablo . Try to cause minimum damage to falmuth army , they have already lost majority of their forces and make sure you and his party safety . "

" Ok rimuru sama . " Diablo bowed and left the room .
Souei next came up with his report .

" Rimuru sama , knight commander of ruberious Hinata with 3 other members of ten saints are coming towards tempest.  Their motives are still unclear but another force from ruberious consisting of vice commander Leonard with 80 crusaders are coming towards us . They will reach here first . "

" Ok good , make sure to keep an eye on them .
Then who shall we left to handle them ?"

" Rimuru sama . Grant me and my team to handle their second unit . It's our duty to protect this land and royal palace . " Kankuro stand up and ask for permission .

" Ok , you handle them . Don't kill them and capture them alive . It will be easy for your team to do that right."

" Yeah , rimuru sama . Thank you . "

" Rimuru sama , let me deal with Hinata sakaguchi ? She is very famous for her strength in West , I also want to see with my own eyes what she is capable of ?" Testarossa asked

" Ok , then testarossa will handle her and benimaru, shion and souei will take care of other ten saint members . is that clear ?"

""""" Yes """""


Hinata with arnaud , litus and Bacchus reached the kingdom of blumund after ten days of their journey . They each reserved rooms for themselves before they met up in the restaurant .
Arnaud broke silence .

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