Side story : birth of fifth true dragon

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Around 2000 years before main story

It's a big event for whole multiverse as it's creator veldanava was killed today . When his consciousness was fading away he still has desire to help his creations , his dream of an ideal world which he can't achieve but he didn't have enough power.his wife Lucia knew that so she also help him in creating a being capable of achieving his dream . Then that being a dragon with silver- blue marks on his dark black body open his eyes and see himself in void .

" Where am I ... Who am I ? "

" Oh look like you are awake . " Velda said

" Who are you ? "

" So many questions. I am veldanava your big brother and creator.  You are a dragon.  "

" Bi...big brother "

" Right . I don't have much time left . I will give you a name rimuru how's this . "

" Rimuru I like it . "

" Ok from now on you will be known as void dragon rimuru .
     Me and my wife Lucia is giving you our everything our power , our believes . Younger brother hope you succeed in your life . "
After saying that veldanava and Lucia gave him all their power and disappear leaving him alone .

[ Notice : individual rimuru evolving into true dragon .
Skill wisdom Lord Raphael acquired
Skill covient king uriel acquired
Skill investigation akashic records acquired  ]

After gaining powers and skills from velda and Lucia , rimuru also acquired their memories . Seeing his creator killed brutally by his own creation he got inraged . He wanted to destroy them but he can't because that would be against his brother wish . He controlled himself . He started observing different worlds from void but he still was not able to find a way . He was alone in the deep void for centuries then finally get away from his loneliness by the birth of Manas Ciel born from his skill Raphael his companion and true friend .

>> Ciel look those humans are eating something . I wonder how it taste << rimuru said

<< Master if you want I can make it >>

>> Really how we didn't have anything <<

<< I can create all those things by skills >>
[ I didn't remember the skill name which can create anything ]

>> Then please make some for me ciel << rimuru said with puppy eyes

<< Master don't make that face I will make . Fufu you are like a child master >>

>> I am still a child ciel  . I haven't grown into my adult dragon form yet <<

That's how they spent their time alone in void watching over different worlds , creating many things they see . In the meantime rimuru also learn various arts and master every weapons known . He also learn to control his powers and skills completely becoming one of the most powerful beings in existence .

After many years rimuru now has grown up completely . He also acquired new skills . ( Azathoth, shub niggurath )

>> Ciel why can't we observe Cardinal world , we can see all worlds other than that <<

<< Master , due to the presence of 3 true dragons concentration of magicules is very high that's why it's difficult to observe it from void >>

>> Oh ok but let's see otherworlds . I want to know more about other beings so I can utilize that when we reach Cardinal world <<


Metropolitan city filled with big skyscrapers . Among them a unique building not as tall as others . There were quite a big crowd near that building .

>> Ciel  what is this place <<

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>> Ciel  what is this place <<

<< I am working on getting information master >>

<< Master , this place is Tokyo big sight in ariake Japan on Earth . Appreciate this event is known as comiket . >>

>> Wow , ciel you are really amazing . You get so much information in such short time  how <<

<< Praise me more master fufu , I can get information through voice of the world . >>

So voice of the world is present in every universe . My big brother was really something else .

>> Ciel are there people buying something to eat or anything . They look so enthusiastic about it <<  rimuru said while drooling

<< Fufufu master you have become quite gluttonous lately fufu >>

>> What's wrong with it . Stop teasing me ciel . I have been bored lately . I have nothing better to do so I am having some quality time enjoying foods <<

She continued laughing at me . She has been teasing me a lot lately .

<< There's nothing wrong with teasing you master . Your reactions are hilarious fufufu >>

>> Anyway what are these <<

<< Master they are know as manga. It is some sort of story book . >>

Storybook , these grown-up humans are still so childish hehe .

<< No master these are different from those . These are made for all age group . So everyone can enjoy >> ciel explained to me

<< Look their master at that manga >> ciel pointed towards a book .

That time I reincarnated as a slime what is this manga .

>> Ciel their are no dragons or slime on Earth right << it appeared to be a dragon on cover

<< Yes , their are no such things in this world >>

These humans are quite creative don't they . I am now little curious about them now.

After reading few volumes of that manga .

>> Hehe ciel that fallen angel was really something . He sold pictures of those girls and made that dragon fight in underground battle . But during interrogation , he himself stated his crime and that punishment was really  hehe <<
<< Master you seem to be enjoying yourself don't you >>

>> Ya <<

I wonder if I can ever see something like that food it really was poisonous but I have poison resistance .hehe
{ Definitely you will taste that food 😋}

That's how rimuru learn about manga  animes and Japanese culture  . The first otaku dragon .

[ Manga was ways of monster nation ]

[ I was bored so I wrote this one just for   fun . Next chapter : blooming of love  on Tuesday . Thanks for so much support 😊😊.  ]

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