Zegion and apito

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In a completely destroyed landscape two beings are fighting .A man with yellow hairs have been beating the shit out of other a beetle like humanoid figure .  But other was not giving up even after taking so much damage .

" Kuahaha zegion , what happened zegion that's all you have got . You can't even touch me do you want to give up . "

" No " zegion gets up and using spatial domination teleported behind him .

" That won't work against me . " Veldora caught his fist and give him a kick .

Zegion blocked it with distortion field .

" Dimensional Ray " he opened his five fingers and swung it at veldora but he blocked it .

Using this chance as divergence he used his most powerful attack in his arsenal .

" Dimensional fire fist "

A punch coated with dimensional Ray strike veldora.  But alas it just scratched him .

" Nice work zegion . "

Even after landing a blow after thousands of try , he was not satisfied with this .

' I have to get stronger to be able to serve rimuru sama better . I will work harder . '

He still remembered his first encounter with rimuru . He can't be any greatful than that .

Zegion and apito who belong to a powerful insector race came to Cardinal world and got separated from their group . Searching for them , they found themselves in jura forest where a blade tiger attack . Zegion was able to kill it but both of them were severly injured and on the brink of death .

Zegion pov

I managed to kill that magical beast but both of us are injured at this rate both of us will die .

" Hang in there I will do something . "

How can I save her . I can't even protect .

Then I noticed a being with silver blue hair approached us . My instinct told me that he is very dangerous .

" Don't come near us . "

" You two are very injured . Don't worry I won't harm you . Let me help . "

" We don't need your help just go away . "

" But she  look like in very bad condition . She will die at this rate . "

I looked at my sister.
" Br....oth...er"

I can't let her die here .

" Please help her . "

" Leave it to me . " He smiled . Such gentle smile . It eases my heart .

He replaced our missing body parts , gave us new exoskeleton and some blue liquid .

" Thank you " my sister thanked him .

" Thank you for your help . Please forgive me for harsh words . Let us serve you sir . "

" Let's first introduce ourselves . I am rimuru tempest ruler of this land . Do you have any name . "

" No we are nameless. "

" I see. Then I will grant you a name

You will be zegion and you apito . "

I feel huge power flowing through me .

" Thank you rimuru sama . We will serve you with outmost loyalty . "

After that we got transported to a strange place where two person are sitting on something .

" He veldora charys I have bring you some new companions . "

" Oh rimuru, they are the ones !" Yellow haired one said

" First let me introduce you he is veldora tempest my brother and other one is charys his assistant .

And they are zegion and apito. "

" Nice to meet you veldora sama . "

" Well then veldora charys help them train , they want to be strong . "

" Leave it to me rimuru . I will teach them veldora killing arts kuahaha "

Since then veldora sama and charys dono are training us . Apparently time flow differently in rimuru sama pocket dimension so we can train here without worrying about real time .

Rimuru pov

>> Why did the parts I replaced in zegion and apito are similar to dragon race . <<

<< I did it master >>

>> I don't need to ask that . I mean how did you do it <<

<< Using creation lord ahura Mazda I created their body parts resemblaning dragon race.
They are now insector with some dragon cells >>

I understand then they will be one hell of fighters .

I smiled in anticipation of what future hold for them .

Present time

Another chamber

Here apito and charys are fighting . In terms of ep charys is stronger but due to being a insector apito have very high resistance to magical attacks and is very faster than charys .

< Thunder storm > charys used his attack but apito doughed it .

apito launched multiple poison needless at him with great speed .

< Flame wallcharys created a barrier with merging fire wall and multi layer Barrier .

' I can't win like this . I have to defeat her in close combat .'

Charys created a sword with fire and storm element .

< Flare acceleration >

He attacked apito with it but apito was blocking his attack with her exoskeleton which is now comparable to legendary grade equipments.

She created a poisonous needle and shot at him . Charys right hand was destroyed by it . Seeing him distraction apito launched herself into him and pierced through him .

But charys have already prepared for something like this.

< Inferno storm >

Combining thunder rain and fire storm it creates a powerful blast ingulfing it target and scorched it from inside . Both of them got destroyed by it .

" You ... got me . But next time I will win ."

But due to being inside pocket dimension . Rimuru can revive them . one can fight here to their outmost limits with worring about dying .

Zegion : ep 910k

Apito : ep 490k

Charys : ep 760k

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