Saint and monster collide - 2

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Falmuth near count nidol territory

" Hehehe . So the new king himself has come to the battlefield after all . Well things are much easier like this. " Diablo observed his surrounding .

" Those guys are somewhat stronger than rest . Perhaps they're part of ten great saints . " He saw three humans coming out of a tent . They are saare , grigori and Glenda of three martial sages .

[ Hakurou dono , a person from ruberious with few soldiers is headed your way. I think he's a useful bargain chip. ]

[ Very well, I will inform ranga dono to catch him alive . ]

[ I'm certain this is a battle we cannot lose but .... ]

[ Rest assured, I'll be watching over them . So you can do as you please . ]

[ I'm glad to hear that . Well I'll leave you to it . ] Diablo cut his transmission .

" Making me look bad in front of my beloved rimuru sama by framing me for archbishop's death. I swear they will pay for this. " Diablo slowly transcended from sky.

Edward's camp

" How are the journalists ? " Edward asked sitting in his throne enjoying wine.

" Many have already swarmed for an interview with you , your majesty . " A guard said knelled down .

" I see .... , But seriously , as bothersome as it is , it can't be helped . Such is the fate of those who become heroic kings .... " Edward said.

They then heard some commotion outside of the tent .
Hearing these noises , Edward came out of his tent.

" Form defensive positions ! Protect the king Edward !" Guards shouted.
Diablo then came out on ground in front of king edward .

" Nice to meet you , ladies and gentlemen . My name is diablo . I have not seen you since the peace treaty , king edward. It's been a while. " Diablo greeted respectfully .

" Well well , it's the messenger dono of demon Lord rimuru . May I ask what brings you here ? " Edward asked keeping a smirk on his face .

" Hehe , what am I doing here ? Just a warning for you all ."

" Warning ?! " Saare asked

" Send your troops back right now and reconcile with Sir youm . Then you won't have to experience the kind of fear you'd rather not want to know about . "

" Hahaha , what a thing to declare ! In the first place all of this started when my brother embezzled the reparations from our accounts . We are just trying to recover these funds ."

" I see , so I assume that you follow to our peace treaty ?"

" Of course , it's for gesture of sincerity towards your nation . But it seems that there's no need for that ."

" What do you mean ?"

" Hehe enough playing dumb , your despicable ploy to charge us for twice the reparations. I've seen through your little schemes !
Edward continued trash talking.

" Though he calls himself the demon lord , rimuru knows no bounds . I never thought I'LL see just how shallow he is .
Nothing to defend yourself , is there ? Are you wondering why your schemes wadms exposed ? You see i'll show you the proof . "

" Glenda dono , that thing please.
Your misdeeds recorded here watch closely !"
Edward showed a recording of archbishop reyheim .

[ Please forgive me . I have no intention of betraying....... Aagghhhh ]

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