King Youm

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Count nidol territory , falmuth

Count nidol and former king edmaris are sitting in a room with tense expression on their face . Reason for their worry are new king Edward's forces marching towards nidol's territory.  Edward forces are supported by many powerful nobles and their armies strength is more than twenty thousands.  Their objective is to capture edmaris and punish him for the excessive amount of reparation implemented on falmuth by tempest for edmaris's actions.  If Edward's army is able to invade nidol's territory , he will also be punished for sheltering a criminal. 
Due to previous incidents , edmaris's royal knight order and knight commander both are completely destroyed and he doesn't have any army to defend him . Their only hopes are merchenaries hired by youm and reinforcement to be sent by tempest. 
Count nidol also doesn't have much to offer . Due to his territory doesn't border by any nations and only sharing borders with jura forest , he was not given enough allowance to maintain a knight order of his own . Currently, he has only 100 knights serving under him , which is less than even a smallest of noble fraction owns. 

" With all due respect , former king . It's all because of you . If you had provided enough allowance for me to maintain an army , the situation wouldn't have come to this . "

" Huh , what are saying , nidol ? There was no need for you to maintain an army . That's why I didn't give you that much fundings . I didn't wanted to waste money.  "

" And what about the money you spend in yourself selfish desires ? You had more money than entire falmuth kingdom and now you are talking about wasting it.  "

As they were arguing with each other , someone knocks the door. 

" Oh , youm dono !"
Youm , myullan , rommell , McLaren and razen entered the room. 

" Why were you old men shouting so loud ?" Youm says  nonchalantly.

" Youm dono , Even though you are friend of his majesty rimuru , please don't speak in such rude behavior.  You are going to be new king , it's not appropriate . " Nidol lectures youm for his manners.

" Ok , sorry.  But what happened ? Why are you both so tense ?"

" What happen ... ? Youm dono , you put me in such dangerous situation.  If  former king has not taken shelter in my territory , king Edward's forces wouldn't have been knocking on our door.  You already know , I didn't have enough strength to fight against a low ranking nobles let alone a king." Nidol complains. 

McLaren tried to intimidate him but was stopped by youm. 

" Yeah , we knew but your territory borders with tempest federation . So we can easily get backup from him. And in situation where we felt like losing, we can easily flew their . Rimuru sama has also approved of this.  " Myullan explains. 

" But where is backup ? Even holy saint church is now interfering , now diablo sama can't even come to our aid ."

" Don't worry about diablo sama , he can easily handle those holy knights . As for backup, I just received message from benimaru sama that reinforcement has been sent . Other than that , me and my subordinates are hear to protect you and your family . " McLaren reassured nidol and edmaris .

" What , we got reinforcement . When are they arriving ? " Edmaris asks excitedly. 

" They have arrived here with teleportation magic . "

" Teleportation ! How many are they ?" Razen asks in surprise .

" Total force is more than two thousands ."

Razen, edmaris and nidol are all shocked . They didn't heard about being able to teleport whole army ever. 

" It's not such a big deal for rimuru san .he teleported army of more than 20 thousand during battle against demon lord clayman.  " Youm says as he is no longer surprised by any out of the box thing rimuru does .

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