King's greed

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In the nation of falmuth

' this nation of monsters . Because of this nation our old trade relation with dwargon are loosing . If this continues our domination in this region will be taken away by that nation . We have to do something . ' king edmaris was thinking sitted on his throne .

" Call an emergency meeting of ministers . " He ordered his guards .

In meeting room

" Why are you so tensed my Lord ?" A minister asked

" It's about that new monster nation in jura forest . "

" Yeah , that monster nation
Apparently , they are blocking our trade . We have to do something . "

" Their products are really high quality . People are considering their products over ours . Dwagon has been trading with them a lot lately . "

" Dwargon had only us as their reliable trading partners . But now they are trading with tempest .  due to highway network run and mention by tempest   other nations are now available for dwargon . We are losing our trade Monopoly . "

" Then why don't we attack them ?" A minister suggested

" That's a good idea . We will defeat them and take away all those high quality products from them . They don't deserve those things . It is for nobles like us . " Another one said .

" So how many force can we deploy now folgen ?" King asked

" Close to 30 thousand my lord." Folgen their army chief replied

" Hold on your majesty . " An old man in white attire said

" What is it reyheim dono ?"

" I can ask for holy church to deploy some of Templars . "

" Can we do it ."

" Don't worry .Western holy church are against the existence of the monsters . We will make them enemies of humanity . "

" Then your highness  will be known as hero who destroyed evil monster nation . " One minister said

" Reyheim dono can you ask crusaders for their assistance ?" King asked

" Crusaders . Why do we need them to deal with lowly monsters ?"

" No , we shouldn't underestimate our opponents . Some reports says that they have some high ranking monsters among them . " An old man in Black robe said

" Yes what razen said is right ."king supported his claims

" Their master strength is comparable to that of demon Lords . "

"" Eh . Demon lord. "" All people were soaked hearing that . They thought opponents are just weak group of monsters .

" But it's ok . Hinata sama has taken a decision to deal with him personally . " Reyheim replied .

They all have heard about strongest person in Western nations.  Leader of ten great saints Hinata sakaguchi .

" Otherworlders will also join us against them . " Razen said

Now all people present their were certain of their victory over monster nation . Many people volunteered themselves for fame and wealth . Unaware of their fate .

In tempest

In tempest

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