Western holy church

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On this day , the world is shadowed in fear once more . ' storm dragon ' veldora has been revived . The western saint church has announced the news to the public .
And just before their announcement, they received information from the freedom association with regards to a message from demon lords .
With the news of ten great demon lords becoming ' octagram ' nations around the world have plunged into chaos .


Protected by the great light of doomed holy barriers lies the holy capital .
It's like an ideal place where citizens will never suffer femine . Everyone has a job and all citizens receive an appropriate level of education . It is an heaven in the mortal realm where everything is appropriately arranged by law . This is the capital of holy empire ruberious - holy capital ' Ruen'. On the day of walpurgis banquet , hinata is on her way to the holy church . She met with pope Louis valentine on her way .

" I've been waiting for you , Hinata . " Louis said

" What do you want ?"

" Roy got killed last night . "

" .... Is that a joke ?"

" I will not be joking about my brother's death.  I assume you know that someone snuck into holy temple last night . "

" Yes , I was the one who found him . But I figured it was a trap , he fled immediately after seeing me . "

" Yeah , however before leaving , he killed Roy . I felt his dearth . The guards who came to scene we're all wiped out . "

" Is that so . "

Luminous sama will be returning soon.  I must inform her of Roy' s death and the problems it has created . "
Louis and hinata went towards inner sanctum of holy church.  Luminous came back from walpurgis after sometime. She sat on a couch while Louis and hinata stand before her . She then explained all the things happened in walpurgis. 

" That annoying wicked dragon has been a constant nuisance to me .
And Roy .... Yes , I could've brought him back to life, had he been in my sight . " Luminous said disappointed .

" I apologise . It was because I left the intruder escape ... " Hinata apologised

" It's fine , you were defending the holy ground . If anything it's my fault."

" I do not agree . My brother simply failed to meet your expectations , luminous sama . Please don't blame yourself . " Louis defends her .

" This is not the time to grieve for his death . Veldora has been revived and a new demon lord rimuru has been born . We must think about how we will deal with that . Our relationship with them will determine the future of ruberious . Give me your honest opinions . " Luminous asked

" Regarding that , shouldn't we declare them as a threat to humanity and unite western nations to confront them . " Louis suggested .

" It's true that Roy death may led to loss of faith among my believes . So you're suggesting we should make them our enemies , no ....
That's impossible .
We mustn't antagonish him . "
Luminous said

" But why ? He is just a newly born demon lord . We can handle him easily . "

" No . You didn't see what I saw ? He was trading blows with Guy . Both of them were moving so fast that I can't even clearly see perceive them.  He is very strong.  Not to mention his subordinates , one girl , she is probably a hero . Even I am not sure if I can win against her . "

" I also fought him once but he hardly took me seriously . He defeated me effortlessly . If he wanted , he could have killed me . " Hinata also agreed with her.  Both Louis and luminous were stunned after hearing that .

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